Chapter 16 - We Have a Winner

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"I wish it were that simple. I may be the King, but the King's Council controls the Royal line of succession and the royal law books say that Eleanor can't be a legitimate Queen or give me heirs because she's a commoner," Henry said, shaking his head and letting out a frustrated exhale. "Our kids would be considered bastards and they couldn't rule. My mother has reminded me of this fact many times."

Arthur listened and then shook his head. "I'm sorry. That's got to be hard, knowing you can't be with the woman you're falling in love with," he said sympathetically.

"It is. Harder than you can imagine," Henry looked down, letting out an exhale. "I can't even bear the thought of Eleanor being with another man," he said, before looking back over at his friend. "But if she has to be, I can't imagine trusting anyone else with her but you. Especially, not a man like Thomas Fletcher. If she married him, he'd probably abuse her and then I'd have to kill him."

"You know he would. You saw how he treated his ex-wife. That's why she left him and disappeared," Arthur said, shaking his head and letting out an exhale. He thought it over, looking over at Henry's worried face before reluctantly saying, "Okay, I'll do it."

"You'll do it?" Henry repeated, surprised.

"Yes," Arthur nodded. "You've helped me more times than I can count, so I want to return the favor. I can tell how much it means to you so I'll do it, so she won't end up with Thomas."

Henry smiled and said, "Thank you Arthur.  You really are a good friend." He let out an exhale before adding, "Just promise me you'll treat her well and make her happy. I could kill Thomas but I'd really rather not have to kill my best friend because you dared to lay a hand on her. Not that I think you ever would, but just be warned, I would if you did."

Arthur held out his hand and said, "I promise you Henry, I would never raise a hand to her and I'll do everything in my power to make her happy. You have my word."

Henry reached out and shook his hand firmly, saying, "I'm going to hold you to that."

As they shook hands Henry looked over at his best friend and he felt jealous, picturing him getting married and starting a family with Eleanor, but since being with her himself wasn't an option, Arthur was the next best choice. He could make her happy and he fit exactly what she was looking for.

He was extremely wealthy and the highest rank you could be without being a member of the royal family himself, so her parents would approve. Eleanor could relax, knowing her family would be taken care of. Marrying him would raise her family's status even higher than Thomas would, so her sisters could have more advantageous marriages. He was also tall and handsome and kind, just like she had asked for and Henry was sure he would treat her well and be a good husband.

He took a deep breath in and let out an exhale before reluctantly saying, "After the tournament I'll introduce you to her."

Lord Walton smiled, looking happy to hear that and they sat on their horses watching the next pass where both jousters fell off their horses, landing in the dirt with a loud clang of metal and a cloud of dust.

"You know," Arthur said, turning his head to Henry. "I think my introduction to Eleanor might be more successful if you let me beat you for once. Maybe being the winner of this tournament will impress her and she'll warm up to me faster."

Henry threw his head back and laughed. Arthur had been trying in vain to beat him for years.

"I'm sure you'd love that wouldn't you?" he laughed. "You're my closest friend Arthur, like a brother to me, but do you honestly think I'm going to let you win the tournament when you're already getting the woman I love? I can't just let you have everything," Henry laughed.

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