Chapter 11 - Getting Closer

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***** Eleanor's Point of View *****

Henry scrunched his eyebrows and looked at her. "You want to leave?"

"No I don't WANT to leave," Eleanor said, letting out a sigh. "But it feels like my being here is causing a divide in your family and I don't want that. You just lost your father a month ago. You all need each other now more than ever."

She took a deep breath in and then let it out. "Family is the most important thing in the world to me and the last thing I want to do is be the cause for yours breaking apart," she said sadly, suddenly feeling hit with a wave of guilt as she hung her head, looking down at her hands.

"Eleanor, look at me," he said softly and she slowly lifted her head and their eyes met.

"You're not the cause of this divide in my family. My mother and my sister are. If they weren't arguing over your presence here, they would be arguing over something else. That's just how they are. There's a power struggle going on in this family right now that has absolutely nothing to do with you."

"Are you certain?" she asked hesitantly.

Henry looked her directly in the eyes and said, "Yes I am certain. My mother and sister's outdated views on commoners are the problem, not you, so there's no reason for you to leave."

Henry stood up and said, "Would you like me to walk you back to your room?"

"I think I can find it on my own, but thank you for the offer," she said, standing up too.

Henry gave her a nod of his head and said, "Alright. But before I go, I wanted to let you know I'll be away from the castle most of the day tomorrow on Royal business. I would bring you along with me but I'm sure it will be very boring and tedious. I wouldn't want to go if I didn't have to."

"No I completely understand. You go and I'm sure I'll be fine here."

"You are welcome to explore the castle grounds and do as you please. If anyone gives you a hard time, just let me know and I will take care of it."

"Thank you," she nodded, giving him a hint of a smile. As he turned to leave she said, "Henry," and he stopped and turned back to face her again.

"I ummm. I just wanted to thank you for what you did today, defending me and saying that I'm not defined by the fact that I'm a commoner. It just, it meant a lot to me," she said softly, looking down at her hands. "Thomas always makes me feel like I'm lower than the dirt beneath his shoes because I'm a commoner and sometimes I catch myself starting to believe it."

There was silence for a few seconds so she lifted her head and looked at him and she could see that he was thinking.

He searched her eyes and said, "Eleanor, you are far too good for the likes of Thomas Fletcher, commoner or not. Never forget that."

Then he surprised her by reaching out and gently taking her hand in his, lifting it up and lightly kissing the top of it as he looked into her eyes, before lowering it and leaving out the door without another word. She stood there staring at her hand, still feeling the tingle on it from his touch and her heart was beating fast.

She couldn't believe King Henry's lips had just touched her hand. It all felt so surreal. This whole situation was like a dream. She looked around the dining room where the royal family ate their meals and she still couldn't believe she was really here.

**** The Next Day ****

The next morning Eleanor woke up early because she was used to getting up early at home to help take care of the animals and collect eggs and milk and help her mother prepare breakfast. Today she used that time instead to relax and read. Her peace was interrupted when someone knocked on her door.

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