Love Hurts Pt.2 - All Ships

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Part 2!! Thank you to @Marvins_huge_tits (brilliant username btw Falsettos is my favourite musical of all time) for being interested in a part 2 :)

Mycroft's P.O.V

I remember when I met Greg. It wasn't the right time. I wasn't in a good place, and neither was he. He'd just been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and was on his way to starting testosterone. And he had to hide it from everyone he knew. We don't live in the most open-minded place in the world, and Greg knew that. He was completely stealth.

A lot of people questioned him. The boys asked when he was going to hit puberty. The girls were obsessed with him because he was extremely nice and respected women a lot more than most guys our age. Because he knew what they had to deal with.

Once he got his diagnosis, he moved across the country. He wanted a new start, to be in a place where he wasn't just known as 'the trans kid'. He enrolled at our school with a new name (his correct name), and he started doing well again. He started on testosterone after he settled in London, and people finally stopped asking when his balls would drop. He hit his proper puberty at 16 and just claimed he was a very, very late bloomer.

He told me about his diagnosis after he met me at our school's LGBT+ club. The club is a secret, and it was started by my little brother. We tell everyone it's a book club which helped people stay away from it. Most, if not all, people that would want to be in a book club wouldn't be homophobic. Greg confided in me after he met my transgender brother, and he thought about talking to my brother, but Sherlock can be intimidating. And I seem like I am, but that's only because I barely ever talk and I'm 6' 4".

"Hey, um... Hi." Greg approached me after the meeting. "I know we have class now but um... I'm new here. I'm Greg and I'm..." He lowered his voice. "I'm trans. And I'm transitioning at the moment but I'm kinda not telling people because I had to move here because of transphobia at my old school."

"Sorry to hear that."

"And I was talking to your brother, and he said that you're in my year and I was wondering if you could show me around? I don't know anyone apart from some people I spoke to here."

"Of course. Anywhere in particular you need to see?"

"I'm taking art, psychology, biology, ancient history, English studies," he said that one quietly, "and music. So I just need to know where these rooms are." He handed me a list of his classrooms.

"Follow me." I smiled. I actually smiled. And he smiled too. He has that effect on people. He'll make you smile even if you don't want to. And I typically don't want to. "You know, you shouldn't be ashamed of whatever level of English you're taking."

"I just don't like telling people about it. I'm..."

"I'm autistic and trying to finish Advanced and Extension 2 English."

"Oh." He laughed. "Okay. I have ADHD. And I hate English." We both laughed. And I never laugh unless it's sarcastic.


John's P.O.V

I met Sherlock at the LGBT+ club he helps run. Harry wanted to go so she could meet 'the local lesbians', and because she wanted more gay friends. I agreed to go with her because Harry is the type of person who should typically be monitored.

She's a bit...


But it was nice to finally meet him. I'd heard a lot about him. He was pretty famous in school. Not only for being the first person to come out as trans whilst being enrolled but also because he got perfect scores on every single test he took, even in year 7. Pretty much every teacher was scared of him, and he was extremely terrifying, especially if you accidentally caught his eye.

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