How to Make Gravy - Johnlock

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yes that's the title haha 


Let's go I've missed this

The next few will be short so I can ease back into writing with these characters, and I also have an AU that I'm writing but that's a secret lmao

Also I would recommend actually listening to the featured song (How to Make Gravy by Paul Kelly) because I changed it a lot and didn't use all it

Enjoy :))


John's P.O.V

It's been a long year.

My husband was wrongfully accused of fraud back in March, and it's 2 days 'til Christmas. He's been writing me letters since he left, but I stopped reading them a while ago. I just can't anymore. We've spoken on the phone, but of course, that's not the same. It is nice to hear his voice. But, with the letters, all I can think of is that I wish he was reading them to me. I still can't believe he's actually in jail. I can't believe that the jury was so against him.

I miss him a lot. I haven't seen his face since March. I just hope he hasn't changed too much. I love him just how he is, and people are always trying to change him, which I hate. They don't know him like I do, and if they did... no. I don't want them to know him as well as I do. Some things are good kept secret.

"John? You got another letter, dear!" Mrs. Hudson called up the stairs. I put down my newspaper and walked down into the foyer to meet her. "It's from... oh, you know who it's from." She smiled sadly. The last time she was in the flat, she saw all the unopened letters.

"Thank you. I'll um..." I paused awkwardly. "I think I'll actually read this one." I started walking up the stairs.

"I think you should." Mrs. Hudson nodded, a knowing look on her face. I think she knew something I didn't.


I sat back down in my chair and opened the envelope. It was simply labeled 'John', in his typical, chicken-scrawl handwriting. I smiled and took the letter out of the envelope. Before I opened the folded paper, I heard our daughter coming down the stairs from her room. I checked my watch; 10 am. She was up earlier than expected for a weekend.

"Dad? Is that another letter from Pa?" She asked, trudging over to me sleepily. "Is he coming home soon? For Christmas?"

"I'm not sure yet, kiddo. I haven't read it yet."

"Why did he leave again?" She was only 6. I didn't really explain everything to her. Just that her dad had to go away for a while, and we didn't know for how long. But Sherlock was as much her father as I was, and she deserved to know.

"He um... he was investigating a case of tax fraud." She looked confused. "Uh, that's when someone doesn't pay the money that they need to. And, somehow, the person who was guilty turned it against your Pa, claiming that he actually committed tax fraud."

"But Pa always pays his money. You make sure of it!" Rosie giggled. She was right; I always reminded Sherlock to pay his taxes.

"Well, the other man was very clever, and he created a lot of fake evidence against your Pa. Before your Pa and I met, he never paid his money on time, or at all. So, they used that against him too. He was arrested, which means he had to go to jail."

"Is that where he is now?"

"Yes." I nodded sadly.

"But do they always put people who don't pay money in jail?" Rosie asked. Here comes the second part.

Sherlock Oneshots (Mystrade/Johnlock/Mormor)Where stories live. Discover now