First Impressions - Mystrade

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Can people please stop talking about Enchanto??? It's EVERYWHERE!! I don't have TikTok but my best friend said that it's everywhere on there. It's everywhere on YouTube as well, particularly in Shorts. Like, why is it so massive?? How much Enchanto stuff can people talk about?? Like I love that Disney is telling Hispanic/Spanish stories. I really appreciate that. But can it stop being shoved down our throats, please??


Does anyone know the musical 'First Date'? No? Just me?? Okay. Well, if you don't already know it, check it out!! It's great and I love the song 'First Impressions', so that's what this chapter is. This isn't going to be very long cause it's basically just the song

This also plays out like a musical

Kinda a uni age thing so Greg is 21 and Mycroft is 19

les go

3rd Person P.O.V

Greg and Mycroft had been set up on a blind date. Not completely blind, because they both knew each other vaguely through university. Mycroft's best friend Anthea had set it up. She insisted that Greg was 'cute' and that he and Myc would get along.

Myc decided to go along with it. He had seen Greg around a few times and he did believe that Greg was, in fact, cute. He hadn't been on a date since high school, so he was actually excited.

They ended up meeting out the front of campus and went for a walk around town.

Mycroft's P.O.V

"So, do you agree with Anthea?" Greg asked.

"About what?" I responded casually, even though I knew exactly what he was getting at.

"Am I really cute?" I turned bright red and looked away.

"What? You can't just ask me that!"

He chuckled, and I decided that I loved his laugh. "Why not? You said you're an open book. So? Am I?"

He's a little artsy, he's hip and cool
He's just like all those guys
That ignored me all through school
He's kinda indie and pretty hot
He's a lot like all the things that I am not

I looked down at my hands and shoved them in my pockets.

There's some Asian symbol
Tattooed on his wrist

I looked over at his wrists and he had a Kanji symbol on his left wrist. I had no idea what it meant.

He's got the kinda look that says
'Hello world, I'm pissed'

He didn't have an RBF (resting bitch face) or a permanent scowl. He just always looked like something intense was running through his mind.

He's sorta hostile
His guns are drawn
Is it weird or just screwed up
That I'm turned on?

I started to sweat and tried to look everywhere that wasn't Greg.

But that's just the first impression
I could be totally wrong
It's only a first impression
And maybe he's-

The gears in my brain started turning.

A stuffy and conservative
Way uptight guy who's still a virgin
Never goes past second base
Suppressing every single urge
Until he marches down the aisle
And finally ties the knot
He could want a giant family
Be an opera devotee
Hell, even have a PhD
Yes, that's who he could be

"I'm waiting..." He teased. Oh god. Even his voice was completely and utterly perfect.

"Uhh, yes, you're very... pleasant-looking..." I stumbled hopelessly over my words.

"Pleasant-looking?" He joked. Shit. What did I say? Backtrack, backtrack!

"No! I mean, attractive, desirable, stunningly handsome. How 'bout 'D'? All of the above?" He laughed again and I noticed he was walking a bit closer to me. "And, what adjectives would you use to describe me?" I asked nervously.

Greg's P.O.V

He's a bit annoying
And over-dressed

I looked Myc up and down. He was wearing a nice suit. He was cute, too.

He's got the kinda vibe that says
'Look at me, I'm stressed'

"Really, there are just so many adjectives to choose from, I wouldn't even know where to start!" I laughed, trying desperately not to worry him.

Probably likes to cuddle

That thought made me smile. A big, goofy grin that I couldn't get rid of.

Long walks in the park
And if he likes sex bet it's only in the dark

I frowned. Sex in the dark? Really, brain? Shut up.

But that's just the first impression
I could be totally wrong
It's only a first impression

And maybe he's a
Nasty, uninhibited, ferocious tiger in the sack
Who rides a Harley, hits the gym
And makes his money dealing crack
Two wealthy kids in private schools
Who treat him like a god
He could kick some ass just like Bruce Lee
Engage in online piracy
And not take any shit from me

Yes that's who he could

3rd Person P.O.V

That's who he could

That's who he could be

But that's just a first impression
I could be totally wrong
It's only a first impression
And though the impression is strong

Greg gently took Myc's hand in his, and they smile sweetly at each other.

It never can hurt to question
Though I doubt this will lead to romance

'Sometimes the ones who seem great are a nightmare to date...' Myc thought. He then felt Greg squeeze his hand, and that thought disappeared completely.

'Either way, I've been burned.' Greg thought about his past relationships and begged to a God that he didn't believe in that this would be different.

But the one thing I've learned
Is oftentimes first impressions

"Can I kiss you?" Greg asked, barely loud enough to be heard. They both stopped walking and turned to face each other. Myc nodded.

Greg stood up on his toes and pulled Myc down by his tie.

Are worth a second glance
It's worth a second glance

It was Myc's first kiss in years. It was Greg's first kiss of his life. He had been in two relationships before. One girl, one guy, both in high school. They were typical high school relationships where nothing really happened. He didn't think that a blind date with the cute, quiet guy in his legal studies class would go this well. Not that he was complaining.

It's worth a second glance

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