Hostages - Mormor

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This will be short, and I'll explain why at the end of the chapter

Sebastian's P.O.V

"How the fuck did I end up here?" I hissed, pulling at the ropes that bound my ankles and wrists. I felt a cold hand touch mine, seemingly in an effort to calm me down.

The guy I was tied to, whose face I hadn't seen yet, had his back pressed against mine. He was about a foot shorter than me, with short hair and a pronounced spine. That's all I could tell about him, apart from the fact that he was Irish.

"I don't know. How did you end up here?" He had a clear Irish accent, and his voice was soft. It calmed me down a bit.

"I think I got drugged or something. Was on a date, and I think they poisoned my food or drink or something like that. What about you?"

"Robbery went wrong. Very, very wrong."

I tried my best to grab his hand. He turned his hand around once he realised what I was trying to do. I held his hand gently, trying to make him feel a little calmer, a little less alone.

Being held hostage is something I'm used to. But, I've always been held up by myself. It was a bit better being held up with someone. Even if I knew nothing about him.

"Name?" I asked.

"Jim. You?"


"What did you want to do before you died?" He asked blunted. I squeezed his hand as I thought.

"I wanted to be happy. Married, kids, pets, big house, all of it. Good job. Quit being a sniper. Settle down. All that cheesy shit. But, I'm almost 35 and I haven't found any of those things. I haven't been in a relationship longer than 5 months. Fucking pathetic, I know."

"Find a younger girl, get her pregnant, and settle down like that." He offered. I laughed. It was a hollow, sarcastic laugh.

"I'm gay." I replied. He chuckled, still holding my hand.

"Me too."

"What did you want to do?"

"Become a better man. Clear my name the best I could, or change it entirely. Start a new life. Find a good man that loved me and have a life with him. A good, uneventful life. I'm 32, and I've already done enough crazy shit for a million lifetimes. I want it all to stop. Redo my life. Do a better job this time. But now, that'll never happen." He sighed. "I'm going to die here, with a stranger whose face I've never seen, in a room too dark to make out, and no one will ever remember I existed."

"If we get outta here, I'll make sure you can somewhat redo your life."


"Yes. Not everyone deserves a second chance, that's for sure. But, if you want to change that badly, I'll help you out."

"I think I might love you for that." He laughed. I laughed too. Inside, I was freaking out. No one other than my mother had ever told me that they loved me. Even though I barely knew Jim, it made me really happy to hear him say that. "That would mean the world to me. Thank you."

We sat in silence for a while, still holding hands. Then, I heard the loudest sirens I've ever heard in my life. Jim curled into himself and screamed. I wanted desperately to cover my ears.

"Jim!" I screamed. "What the fuck is that?" He was the one facing the door, or what he assumed was the door.

"Police! Seb! It's the police!" He cried, relief in his voice. The sirens stopped, and people outside were shouting. There were gunshots, and I prayed that our attacker was dead.


We were broken out and untied, but Jim seemingly was terrified of the police. Almost as much as me. Once we were free, he grabbed my hand again and we ran out the back door. We sprinted into the night, running through the forest to God knows where.

Eventually, we reached a house of sorts, and Jim let go of my hand and grabbed out a set of keys.

"This your place?" I panted.

"Yep." He said, turning the key with a click. "After you, Seb." He smiled sweetly and gestured for me to walk inside. I followed his gesture, feeling oddly loyal to this absolute stranger.

Well, he wouldn't be a stranger for much longer.


A lot has been going on in my life. I just went back to school, which is funnn. I am still in The Addams Family, and two of our cast members now have COVID. Not me, thankfully. And another one of our cast members just broke a bone and is now in a sling.

So, instead of opening on the 3rd of February (as I'm writing this, TOMORROW), we have to open next Thursday night and have to do two fewer shows.

We've been doing this for nearly a year. Fuck you, COVID. If we have gotten this close, for absolutely no payoff, I don't know what we'll do. Because, if we go into shows next week and then someone else gets COVID, there won't be a show. We can't go on. We can't push the show because our director is going away for a while, and her son and daughter and going with her. They're in the main cast.

So yeah. And, if shows do go ahead, I will have to fully focus on that and on school for about a month.

Lets just see how this all plays out. God, I'm scared.

Updated: I'm ill

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