Growth - Mystrade

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This is a four part story based on the drawing above. I did this drawing I while ago and I think it's so fricking adorable and always planned to write a story on it where it's broken up into four parts and the perspectives switch, corresponding to the hearts in the drawing. It's not very long but I'm busy ok

Basically, the love changes throughout their lives. They always stick together, and don't love each other at the same time until they're adults. The heart is only above Mycroft in the first and third drawings, because it was one-sided at the time. In the second drawing, it was one-sided for Greg. But it wasn't known when they were young. This is a concept that I really enjoyed drawing and really enjoyed writing. There's purposefully no dialogue and only observations from the two characters. It's basically four mini chapters with switching perspectives that are a spread out timeline of their friendship. That probably makes no sense lmao anyway. Let's go.

:) -Grey

Mycroft's P.O.V

8 years old

I love my best friend. He's my favourite person in the whole world. He's really funny and always has a big smile on his face. He actually likes spending time with me and he comes around to my house all the time. We don't ever go to his house, and he's never told me why. I never asked because he didn't seem like he wanted to tell me about it.

We went to preschool and big school together. We're in year 3 now. I like big school. I'm actually able to read big kid books now. I go into the year 6 section of our school library, and I go into the non-fiction section. I find it far more interesting.

My best friend doesn't like books. He's not really good at reading because he has problems with his brain. Different problems to me. I have autism. That's what I've been told. I don't know what my best friend has but he hates books. It's the main thing we can't agree on. He hates them because he doesn't understand them. A lot of boys our age are mean to the girls that they like because they don't understand how to talk to them properly.

Greg doesn't do that. It's another reason I like him so much.

The teachers always ask why we're such good friends. We've been best friends our whole lives and that's a super long time. The grown ups just don't get why two different people can get along. I used to think that all grown ups were much smarter than me. Now, I know that not every single adult is smart.

Some grown ups have driver's licences, but are really bad at driving.

Some adults are allowed to be teachers, but don't really know what they're talking about.

Some old people try and tell us what to do, but the things they want us to do are pointless and stupid.

Greg is way smarter than any grown up. How to do I know that? He's nice and willing to learn new things. Most grown ups don't like learning anything new and they aren't always really kind. Maybe he isn't very good at reading. But I don't think that's a bad thing. He lets me read to him and I always find that fun. He's way more fun than anyone else on the whole planet is. He's my absolute favourite person in the whole world and I really hope that we stay friends for our whole lives. I really hope Greg feels the same way about me.


Greg's P.O.V

12 years old

Ya know, I always worried that the shitty-ness of highschool would pull my best friend and me apart. We've always been really different, and being in the same classes in year 7 really showed how different we really are. He's soooo much smarter than me and actually cares about school. I don't really like school that much. School isn't easy for me.

Sherlock Oneshots (Mystrade/Johnlock/Mormor)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ