Christmas Wishes

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This one's short, but its based on art I saw

Credit to the original artist for the idea

Just so you guys know, the first time I tried to write Santa in this chapter, I accidentally wrote Satan



I also may or may not have nearly cried whilst writing this because I thought about my brother and I. He's moving out soon

So yea

Hit in the feels lmao

3rd Person P.O.V

It was mid-October, and Mrs Holmes had asked both of her sons to write letters to 'Santa'. They did as they were told – a rare occurrence for both of them – but Mycroft still put up a bit of a fight.

"Mummy! It's ridiculous! I'm 14, I know who Santa really is." He whispered the last part, just to make sure his little brother didn't hear him. "I just don't understand why I need to do this."

"Because. You are Sherlock's older brother and he really looks up to you. You need to set a good example for him. He still believes in Santa."

"Ugh! Fine." Mycroft grumbled.

Later that night, Mrs Holmes went into the bedroom her sons shared and found their wish lists sitting on their chest of draws.

Sherlock's was the one she saw first. It was on top of what she assumed was Mycroft's list, so she grabbed them both and quickly tip-toed out of their room, praying she didn't wake them.

She read Sherlock's first. He was only 7 but was already snarky and intellectual as ever.

Dear Santa,

Please don't be so loud this year. I think you tripped down the stairs or something last year because I had a very loud thud just below my bedroom.

It woke me. It was quite irritating.

Mrs Holmes couldn't help but chuckle. Turns out, Mr Holmes was trying to make his way down the stairs, in the dark, on Christmas Eve, and he did in fact trip.

Anyway, this Christmas, I'm not exactly asking for much.

· More better toys for Redbeard

· Sweets from the UK and then their US counterpart. I wish to experiment on them, and see the different sugar levels

· More test tubes

· A better firelighter (I melted my old one)

· A new sword (I set fire to my old one)

And finally (and most importantly)

· Mycroft said recently that he wanted to move his stuff into our guest bedroom. I know he's old and 'needs his own space', but I can't help but feel as though it's my fault. I really hope he doesn't want to leave our room just because of me. I know it might be hard to believe, but I love my brother. He is the only person in the world who actually understands me. I don't want to lose him. I know I'm not easy to deal with, but neither is he. That's why we go so well together. I hope he doesn't hate me


William Sherlock Scott Holmes

P.S. Please don't disappoint me, Santa.

Tears were falling down Violet's face by the time she was done reading Sherlock's letter. She had no idea that Sherlock wanted to be closer to his brother. It was heartbreaking to read. Mycroft wanted his own space. It had nothing to do with getting away from Sherlock. Mycroft was 14 now – a 14 yr old needs their own space.

She took in a deep breath and put Sherlock's letter down. She then read through Mycroft's letter, and instantly began crying again.

Dear Santa (Mummy),

There isn't much I would ask for this Christmas. I only ask for one thing, and one thing only.

I don't want Sherlock to think that I hate him. Since I went into high school, he and I have drifted slightly apart. I'm worried about him thinking that I dislike spending time with him.

That is absolutely not the case.

He gets under my skin sometimes, and I'm sure I do the same for him. That's what brothers are for. I love my brother. I genuinely do. Neither of us is very good at expressing our emotions, certainly to each other. I wish I could explain to him how much I care for him. I love Sherlock. He's so incredibly smart and inquisitive. He can be a bit of a brat sometimes, but he can also be a lot of fun.

I know he still wants to be a scientist on a pirate ship. If he wants to shove sand a toy pirate ship in a test tube, I'll help him. I'd do anything for my brother. I'd do anything to make him laugh and smile again. I miss the bubbly younger brother that I used to have. I wish I could go back to a year ago and tell Sherlock that my not being at his school anymore wouldn't change anything between us.

But, unfortunately, it has changed our relationship. We are no longer as close as we were.

My only wish this Christmas is that Sherlock and I can reconcile, a least for a moment so that he knows that I still care for him.


Alexander Mycroft Chad Holmes


Violet gave Sherlock and Mycroft each other's notes. She wanted them to read each other's words. To read what they thought about each other, and how they could solve each other's problems together.

Sherlock got a new sword and more tests tubes for Christmas (his parents drew the line at a new fire lighter. Violet was almost unsure as to how he got one in the first place). He also got some new toys for Redbeard.

Mycroft ended up getting some new books for school and more 'grown-up' science kits.

They also got each other's letters. Both of them cried whilst reading them. Poor Mr Holmes had absolutely no idea what was going on. Mycroft and Sherlock gave each other hugs and cried some more.

Violet looked on at her sons, knowing that no matter what happen between the two of them, they'd be okay. 

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