Eurus - Johnlock (and 3k what???)

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3k??? What???? Thank you so much!! :D

I wrote this for my English class. Yes. I wrote fanfiction and handed it into my teacher 

I hope he likes it lol

I added some stuff after the fact like the P.O.V indicator 

It's only short but yep

John's P.O.V

It was just like a maze. An easy way in and seemingly no way out. Even if you somehow found the exit, she would find a way to lure – or force – you back in. It was impossible to escape. Too many cameras. Too many guards. Too many rooms.

There were too many sounds, and the silence was just as loud. It was starting to get to me. Before I knew it, I was snapping at anything and anyone, always looking over my shoulder and twitching at any sound.

I finally understood why people go absolutely insane in these kinds of places. I was on the breach of insanity after the first few minutes. So much death... so many sounds... I had no control over my own actions and I knew it was only a matter of until I completely lost it.

That... that woman. Was she even human at this point? Who sends a child to an insane asylum? What kind of child needs to go to an insane asylum? It had been years since she arrived, and it seemed that she was withering away more and more with each passing day.

But... she wasn't withering away. She was only getting stronger. Anyone who had a long enough conversation with her would be swayed to her side. She could influence anyone she wanted. Before, I believed I had a strong will, a mind that could never be tempted or swayed.

That was up until I had one on one time with her.

As I walked down the hallway to her cell, I was reminded of all the terrible memories from years prior. So much death... so many sounds-

As I tiptoed in, I studied the glass to make sure she hadn't removed it again. Seemingly, she hadn't. It was all in-tact, 'Stand 3 Metres Away from the Glass' plastered on every side. I kept my weapon hidden, praying I wouldn't need it.

"Hello, Doctor." She drawled. I tensed immediately, mentally preparing myself for the most difficult conversation of my life.

"Hello." I tried to keep my words as minimal as possible. The less I said, the less she could use my words against me.

Staring at her through the glass, I was reminded of all the pain she had caused my family and I. She spent hours, using it as a little game. A game only a psychopath would dare play.

She held a woman hostage, threatening to kill her. Unless I killed her husband. I've killed countless people, being an ex-solider and everything. That doesn't mean it doesn't make me feel sick to the stomach. It doesn't mean I don't feel guilt.

Believe me, I do.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't shoot that man. So... he stole the gun from me and shot himself through his temple. He wanted to save his wife. He wanted to give her a life.

He couldn't. She wouldn't let him.

She said that there had been a 'violation of the rules'. I was supposed to kill him. Because I couldn't do it, and because he shot himself, she killed his wife. Shot her right in the heart.

That was only the beginning.

I shot my eyes and blinked away the memories. I wasn't going to let sentiment and memories cloud my vision. I wasn't going to let those things affect me. It showed weakness.

She taunted me, almost effortlessly. She spoke of my family, and what she'd do to them once she got out. I hoped she'd die there, and that she'd never be able to influence another guard again. I prayed that she'd never escape again.

She talked about my daughter, my parents, my husband, everything. She spoke of everyone close to me, and how she already had step-by-step instructions of how to destroy every single one of them, including myself.

I made the executive decision to leave. Leave her cell, leave the asylum, leave the island and go home. I remained calm as I walked through the maze of halls, passing rooms of crazy people.

No one could ever be as crazy as her.

Once I reached the boat, I paid the fee and jumped on. I slept all the way back to the mainland. I was so incredibly exhausted, and couldn't wait to get back home. Home to family. Home to where I was safe.

Once I got back to the mainland, I thanked the boat's captain and hailed a cab. I slept in the cab too.

The second I opened my front door, I was greeted by my 5-year old daughter, tugging on my sleeve, wanting to show me the drawings she'd stuck on the fridge. It was about four in the afternoon, and my husband was asleep on the couch.

I smiled for the first time that day. I was safe.

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