Ep V [Gal Karke]

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"Everyone! Make your tents with your teammates. Help each other!"

"Yes sir!"

Preet and her two classmates quickly found a spot to set up their tent. Preet glanced at them and sighed.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," she said, relieved to be away from the chaos of the bus. They chuckled and started setting up the tent.

"I'm so tired, just want to sleep," Harpreet remarked, securing the tent stakes into the ground. Her classmates joined in, helping her with the setup.

"But you have to admit, your singing was amazing. You really have a talent," they said sincerely. Preet blushed slightly, a shy smile creeping onto her face.

"Thank you. I guess it wasn't so bad," she said, her voice filled with appreciation.

As they finished setting up their tent, Preet noticed a beautiful view of the mountains in the distance.

"Wow, look at that sunset," Preet whispered, her eyes wide with wonder.

Yuvraj came towards her, he followed her gaze before turning back at her, he nodded in agreement.

"It's breathtaking," he murmured, gaining her attention. She sighed, rolling her eyes at him "don't you have work to do? Are you always this free?"

"For you? Yes! I'm free" he flirted, she shook her head, hearing his words. She's sure he's trying his best to annoy her. Leaving him there she made her way towards the professors who were busy arranging the bonfire.

She sat down on a nearby fallen log, taking in the serene atmosphere. Her eyes fell on Vihaan, who looked handsome while arranging the wood.

He was fully focused on his work, wearing a fitted white shirt that accentuated his body. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, making him look even more attractive. He licked his lower lip, and their eyes met. Her heart skipped a beat when he gave her a small smirk.

'fuck! No! No cursing!'

Harpreet scolded herself internally, trying to push away the fluttering feeling in her chest. She quickly averted her gaze, feeling flustered.

"Are you enjoying the view?" Vihaan asked, sitting beside her on the log. Harpreet nodded, trying to compose herself.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful," she replied, her voice slightly shaky.

Vihaan chuckled, "did you arrange your tent? Do you need any help?" He asked, trying make a conversation between them.

Harpreet blushed at his offer, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.

"Well, we just finished setting it up. Thank you for asking though," she replied, her voice softening.

Vihaan nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "No problem. Let me know if you need anything else," he said, his eyes lingering on her for a moment before he got up to help another group.

Harpreet watched him walk away, her heart still racing. She couldn't understand why she was feeling this way, but she couldn't deny that there was something about Vihaan that intrigued her.

As the evening went on, the group gathered around the bonfire, sharing stories and laughter. Preet couldn't help but steal glances at Vihaan, who seemed to effortlessly command attention with his charisma.

At one point, their eyes met again, and Preet felt her cheeks flush. Vihaan smirked and raised an eyebrow, as if challenging her. She looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

As the night grew darker, Preet found herself lost in thought. The warmth of the fire, the gentle breeze, and the company of her classmates created a sense of belonging she had never felt before. And amidst it all, Vihaan lingered in her mind.

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