Ep I [Tere Naina]

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"Papa, but I don't even know him" Naina said devastatingly, her father was marrying her off to some stranger "what's the need for you to know him, in my opinion he's best for you" her father's voice was firm, Naina couldn't help but feel betrayed by her father whom she loved with her whole heart "Papa, please-" "no other discussion, I want you to marry him. That's it!" Saying that he wiped his mouth and left the dining room.

Naina sat there in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Her father, the person she trusted and adored, had made a life-altering decision without considering her feelings or desires. It was as if her opinion didn't matter at all.

Tears welled up in Naina's eyes as she thought about the life she had envisioned for herself. She had dreamt of finding love on her own terms, of choosing a partner she genuinely connected with. But now, that dream was crushed, replaced by the reality of an arranged marriage with a complete stranger.

Feeling a whirlwind of emotions - sadness, anger, and confusion - Naina couldn't accept her father's decision without a fight. She had always believed that her father cared about her happiness and well-being, but this sudden decision shattered that belief.

Naina gathered herself and decided to confront her father, hoping to change his mind. She found him in his study, sipping on his evening tea. With a trembling voice, she approached him.

"Papa, please listen to me," Naina pleaded, her eyes filled with desperation. "I understand that you think this stranger is the best choice for me, but I can't marry someone I don't even know. I need to have a say in my own future, Papa."

Her father glanced at her, his face displaying a mix of frustration and indifference. "Naina, I have considered the options carefully. This man comes from a respectable family, and he will provide you with a secure and comfortable life. It is my responsibility to ensure your happiness, and this is the best decision for you."

Naina's heart sank as she realized her father was unwilling to listen to her. The love and trust she had showered upon him suddenly felt misplaced. She tried one last time, her voice filled with emotions.

"But Papa, I want to be happy in my marriage. I want to share my life with someone I love and who loves me back. Can't you understand that?"

Her father's expression hardened, dismissing her words as if they held no importance. "Naina, enough of this discussion. I have made my decision, and you will marry this man. It is the best choice for our family's honor and future."

With that final declaration, her father rose from his chair and left the room, leaving Naina standing there, utterly devastated. She felt alone, trapped in a life she never asked for, with no control over her own destiny.

On the other hand, Abhimanyu is not pleased with the arranged marriage either.
He despises the idea of being tied down, as he has always enjoyed his freedom and independence. However, he decides to go ahead with the marriage due to the potential benefits it brings in terms of business connections.

Her father came to him with the proposal, as Mr. Srivastav's company was going bankrupt. He wanted to create an alliance between both the companies through this marriage.


It was her wedding night, Naina was sitting on the bed with her knees closed to her chest. She was nervous, though she had already seen her husband but the rumors about him scared her. Some say he's arrogant, clever, workaholic, and most importantly he's a heartless monster.

The knock on the door broke her reverie, she didn't say anything and just stared at the closed door. The knock was heard again followed by a deep manly voice "I'm getting inside" it says, slowly the handle moved and the door opened. Abhimanyu walked in, for her the room temperature dropped to minus.

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