Chapter 1 - Part 4

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One thing Jess had noticed and liked most about Felix was his capacity for calm. Or maybe it wasn't calm but his quality of being totally at ease in any surroundings. He was approachable and warm, popular with the other volunteers and a favourite with the refugees he worked with. He was positive and kind, and never loud or brash, at least Jess had never seen him be so. He never pushed himself forward, but paradoxically, his self-possession made him stand out. People were drawn to him, just as she had been.

As she looked at him, now, through the smoke of the fire, through a haze of tiny flies that darted around as they sat, she wondered how she had got so close to him so quickly. Did some people possess some kind of subliminal magnetism, something hypnotic, or was it just chemical?

The chemistry of relationships was new to her and she laughed at herself because she'd only thought of chemistry in one way before — a profession that would get her and her dad out of scraping by in life. And she laughed because her thing with Felix shouldn't be a scientific problem to be solved. The only way to get any answers was to experience it. What more could she expect at 19? Jess considered that, from the outside, she and Felix probably looked like the typical 'holiday' romance, but it felt deeper to her than that.

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