Chapter 1 - Part 3

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Felix was going to phone. They would arrange time together as soon as he got back. The fact that he was going travelling after the camp meant that their reunion was ages away. But still. By the time he came home, they would only be counties away, not countries. Felix would be back at the end of September and they'd see each other before they both went to uni. Maybe. Jess trusted very little and certainly not the future. Who knew what might happen between now and then?

Beyond that, they were going to different universities. But that didn't mean they couldn't make time for each other, surely? The thought of deferring her entry again or transferring to be nearer him had crossed her mind briefly and was just as swiftly rejected. She'd never sacrifice her education for someone else. She owed it to her dad. Anyway, she'd already given so much of herself to make her dream a reality, she wouldn't give it up now for anyone. Even Felix.

That dream was starting soon. Jess wouldn't be the first of her family to attend university – her cousins had got there first, but neither of her parents had been. Her Dad was so proud of her and she was proud of herself. She knew, though that it's what she did there that counted.

So how would that commitment work with Felix in the mix? Jess tried to assure herself that she could still totally commit to her studies and make time for Felix, couldn't she? She then squashed a flash of panic that it wouldn't work. Now was not the time to worry about the future. They had one day. They had today.

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