Chapter 5 - Part 3: Cold Shower

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"Darling, let Jess come up for air."

Jess jumped and twisted her head to see where the voice had come from. A young woman in black jodhpurs and a padded gilet stood just inside the archway. She was holding the leading reigns to a huge black gelding in one hand, a riding hat dangled from her other.

"I hate to break up the reunion, you sweet things, but I simply must get Major back to his stable, and it would have been rude of me not to say hello."

 A flush of embarrassment had flooded Jess's neck, and her cheeks tingled even though there had been no censure and certainly no judgment in the words. Jess looked at Felix for guidance and was slightly horrified to see how chafed his lips were. Felix growled slightly and lowered his head, an unruly strand of sandy hair flopping forward. But he came up smiling and stepped back enough to let Jess stand straight.

The young woman had walked into what Jess now assumed was a stable yard, and was parallel to them. She looked expectantly at Felix.

"Jess, this is my sister, Isabella. As you can see, she doesn't respect anyone's privacy, especially mine, and always turns up when she's not wanted."

"I'm delighted to meet you, Jess. Forgive my brother. He has few manners and less restraint. But you are now clearly as much the victim of his shortcomings as we are."

Jess had believed Felix to be the most well-mannered, and certainly the most restrained person she ever met. Until that kiss. But she needed to master herself. Isabella's low, melodic voice was playful and she'd clearly meant to disarm any potential embarrassment but Jess hated feeling flustered.

"It's lovely to meet you, too," Jess managed to reply as calmly as she could. She saw a brief brightening of Isabella's smile, a twitch of a muscle in her neck and the briefest lifting of her eyebrows towards Felix before she turned back to Jess.

"We must get to know each other better over a cocktail later," Isabella said warmly. "I hate to admit it, but Felix makes a rather authentic margarita. See you in an hour or two, yes?" And she turned to lead her horse further into the yard. But when she was a few strides off, she called over her shoulder.

"Oh, and Felix . . . remember to take a shower before the ball. Perhaps a cold one might be best."

And Jess couldn't help but laugh as, she was sure, Isabella had intended her to. She turned back to Felix and he, chuckling, folded her into his arms again.

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