Chapter 3 - Part 2: The Plan

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Jess's heart warmed. Her Dad was so perfect. He never pressured her, never pried. And she knew that whatever else she'd lost, she'd never lose his love. Her Dad was physically strong but he wouldn't always be that way. But he's always have the strength that lay in his gentleness. She wasn't naive enough to think he could keep her safe, but she'd always feel safe with him.

It dawned on her slowly that he might have no safety net of his own. And with a sudden lurch of panic, she wondered how he'd cope without her. Her month-long time at the camp had been like a holiday. How would he manage the whole school year when she wouldn't be coming in at the end of the day or around him at weekends? She took a deep breath and clench her jaw tightly to stop the wobbling that she could feel starting.

She mentally shook herself and went over her plan. 

Jess had chosen Bath purposefully. She could have got into Edinburgh or Imperial but, Bath was a small and accessible city and it was close enough to home – only an hour and a half drive. They had agreed, or rather her Dad had insisted, she'd spend the first year in halls. This was to concentrate on her studies, she had told herself, although her Dad had said it would be 'an experience.' But she would come home for a weekend once a month – she hadn't told her Dad this, though. And she planned to commute from home from her second year, not just to save money but to be with her dad. He had said they'd wait and see, but Jess knew that's what she would do. Her degree and a good job after would be for him. His reward for the love he'd given her all her life. Yes, he'd cope and she had her plan to keep her strong.

"Butter or spread, Dad?" Jess called brightly as she turned and opened the fridge door.

"Goodness, girl, do you really need to ask?"

Picking out the packet and turning to the breadboard she felt her mood lift with the beautiful mundanity of their life. "I'll make yours extra thick so they stick to your ribs."

"That's music to my ears, Love. And put the kettle on while you're at it."

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