Chapter 2 - Part 4

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Gritting her teeth and huffing, Jess reminded herself that it was Felix. He knew her and he liked her. There was nothing to worry about. And she swiped before she could let the little seed of doubt whisper that there was everything to worry about.

"Hi, Felix. You okay?"

"Honestly, Jess, this place is amazing, you'd love it. We took some jet skis round the coast and explored all the caves and bays around here. You would not believe how beautiful it is."

"I can believe it because I saw the videos you posted. About five of them, anyway." Jess laughed. Felix may be used to a life of luxury but at least he didn't lack the enthusiasm for it.

"Oh, yeah, right." Felix's face broke into a sheepish grin. "I may have got a bit carried away. But, Jess, it is so beautiful. I wish you could see it first-hand. Maybe one day we can come here together. I know you'd love it."

If Jess was honest she would have said she was more excited about the thought of uni than a potential trip to the Greek islands. But instead, she said, "I'm not sure jet skis are quite my style, but I'm glad you're having a good time."

"What about you? Is Alan still fuming because you keep forgetting to put the tea bags in the recycling bin?" Felix's chuckle was warm but Jess felt a little ice enter her heart. If she needed a reminder of how different their lives were this was it. Who really wanted to take time out to talk about working at a coffee shop when you'd spent the day island hopping on a jet ski and were probably on your way to a beach bar?

"Yeah. I can always depend on Alan to focus on the important things. He's got me on earlies tomorrow too. But guess what? Even Little Miss Coffee Shop is getting a holiday."

Felix's face suddenly fell. "Wait, what? I thought you said there was no way you could take time off. That's why you said you couldn't come here with me." Jess could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Felix," Jess said patiently. "Your idea of a holiday is a little different to the one I've got planned. I'm going to ask Alan to finish a day or two early and me and Dad are going to Aunt Lucy's in Cranbourne for a long weekend–that's all." Jess had added 'that's all' for Felix's benefit–this trip was important to her.

"Oh, okay," Felix said. He was nodding his head but his brow was still creased and Jess felt like he needed more.

"This is the first time my Dad has been able to go away with me for... like, ever." Jess couldn't help herself smiling again at the prospect of a trip with her dad to Aunt Lucy's lovely home. Felix's smile was there but it didn't reach his eyes. And Jess couldn't help an edge entering her voice as she added, "I'm not sure my posts about it will go viral, but to me, it's a huge deal." She was suddenly tired. Felix was hundreds of miles away. His face was haloed by blue skies and his eyes glowed with freedom. At this moment, the distance couldn't have felt more great.

"That sounds great." Felix's face first softened into understanding then his eyes lit up. "Look, if you're going to take a few days off mid-September, I'll come back a few days early and we could . . ."

Jess cut him off. "I can't take any more time off. I need the money. And anyway, Alan hasn't even agreed to the dates for the trip to Lucy's yet, so . . ." Jess didn't add that her head was too full already with what the next few weeks held to fit him in. She did want to see him. But trying to carve out some time with him and doing all the things she needed to do before uni would mean cutting herself into tiny pieces. If she cut herself any smaller, she'd fracture. "We'll catch up really soon, though, yeah? As soon as I'm settled at Bath. And, you know, I can't wait for the next instalment of 'Felix on tour'."

Felix's brow creased again and his normally serene eyes looked a little bewildered. Cynically, Jess wondered if this wasn't disappointment but that people rarely said no to him.

"Yeah, of course," Felix said. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Oh, not tomorrow. Sorry. I'm working late."

"I thought you said you were in early." Felix's confusion was palpable.

"Yeah, but I'm pulling a double." Jess didn't even know why she was stretching the truth. "I need all the cash I can get - student loans are only going to get me so far!" She added a hollow chuckle that sounded so obviously fake she turned it into a cough. "anyway, I've got to go. Have an awesome day tomorrow, whatever you're up to. And . . . you know . . . see you." She gave a little wave and heard the first syllable of Felix saying her name as she ended the call and fumbled to put her phone on airplane mode.

Jess gave herself a moment to cringe at how awkward she'd been–the little wave, she thought. And to avoid the crushing sense of loss and doubt that began to descend, she headed for the shower.

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