A different outcome.

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This is one of two alternate endings for this story.

The other Louds, Angus, and Lucille run towards the castle.

Luna: James!

Lola: We're coming!

Inside, they gasp as they are greeted with a horrific sight. James is on the ground, with a patch of blood on his head and motionless.

Lana: Holy moly!

Lynn Sr.: *spotting James* Ah! There he is!

They run towards him.

Rita: My baby!

Lori: Oh no! James!

Luan: We're here, big brother! Don't worry!

They ran to him until they are stopped dead in their tracks as Lela stomps down on the way, blocking their path. They all scream as they are slowly pinned them against the wall.

Lily: No, Lela!

Morag cackles as James regains consciousness, seeing her and the corrupted Lela slowly advance on the family. The family he loves.

Morag: Oh, you really bungled it... You should have sailed away while you had the chance.

James: Shit!!

Morag: Now, prepare to be Loud... *raises the scepter* NO MORE!

Morag is about to bring death to the others, who huddle and whimper in fear. Lela begins to charge up her fire breath.

James tripped over something as Lela roasted the Louds and Angus with no pity or sympathy or mercy.

The teenage vigilante looked in nothing but horror and shock as the louds and Angus were burning as the sickly sweet smell of burning flesh was in the air. Morag just laughed like it was a sick joke.

Morag: I have done it the louds are no more!!!

Morag turns her attention to the broken and destroyed teen who was just watching in pure horror but what she didn't know is that she awoke something inside James.

Something brutal.

Something savage.

Something wild.

Something with an unquenchable lust for blood.

Something deadly.

Something that could haunt the nightmares of the devil himself.

James's body starts to heat up with rage that could burn a thousand sun's as he stood up with nothing but an enraged face as he let out an inhuman and monstrous howl. A howl that echoed through the night.

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