The end.

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An angry mob of citizens have rallied outside Loud Castle. Morag throws open the doors, much to Angus's concern, and takes the stage.

Morag: My dearest friends, thanks to you, the Louds will be gone forevermore!

The crowd cheers. Angus hangs his head and sulks.

Old Villager: Glad that's over. Back home we go.

The crowd begins to leave, but.

Morag: Oh. Sorry. Almost forgot to mention. Before the Louds skedaddled off, they requested that I be crowned Duchess! *Angus gasps* And I was like, 'Me? What?' and they were like, Yeah, totally, you're the best. *chuckles* It was so embarrassing, but, how could I say no?*procures the crown; the crowd murmurs. She shoves the crown into Angus's arms* So, let's get on with it. Trumpets, row, adoration.

The four trumpeters herald the coronation. Morag wears a royal cape as the same man and girl from Lincoln's coronation lay out the red carpet and petals, respectively.

Angus: Morag, this is not-

Morag: By the power vested in me, blahddy blah blah, Angus dubs me the Duchess of Loch Loud.

She impatiently snaps her fingers at Angus.

Angus: *quietly* You can't do this.

Morag: *quietly* Silence, you ninny.

With no choice, Angus raises the crown and hesitates before placing it on Morag's head.

Morag: Oh, for Argyle's sake.

She places the crown on her head and laughs, much to Angus' discomfort

Crowd: *chanting* Duchess! Duchess! Duchess!

The trumpeters proclaim Morag as the Duchess as she basks in the glory. Having all this unfold, Angus is not going to have this anymore.


The crowd gasps and the trumpeters cease their playing.

Angus: *angry* The Louds did no such thing! I was there! They never gave you the crown!

Morag groans, glaring at him.

Mrs. Scroggins: Angus is as honest as the day is long. Is it true, Morag?

Morag: *thinks it over* You know what? I could lie. But why bother? Guilty as accused!

The crowd gasps, shocked.

James made his was to one of the castle sentry towers and found a perfect spot to take a shot and end Morag's life for good.

James takes out his high powered sniper rifle.

James takes out his high powered sniper rifle

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