Loud castle and history checks.

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Leni: For You is a weird name for a town.

Rita: Uh, I-I'm sorry, but who are you?

Angus: Oh, ha! Forgive me. I'm Angus, the groundskeeper here at Loud Castle, and I welcome you to your ancestral home.

James: THIER ancestral home not mine.

Angus: whose that lad?

Rita: that's James. Our son.

Angus: he doesn't look like yer son.

Lynn sr: he's adopted and uhhh.

Lynn Sr whispered into Angus ear about James and what he's been through and Angus' face turned from happy and joyful to saddened and sympathetic.

Angus opens the doors to the castle to reveal a beautiful sight. The castle interiors are as royal as it is majestic. The Louds clamor in awe, and enter the Castle of Loud, taking in the sights around them. They can't believe their ancestors lived here, in a castle.

Lana: Sweet!

Rita: So fancy...

Lola: This is more like it.

Lynn: Wowie... wow.

Lincoln: I can't believe Louds lived here.

Rita: We could fit a hundred of our houses in here.

James: I just hope there ain't no stuck up whores in here.

Upstairs, Morag bolts out of the bathroom wearing a towel, and enters another door. She exits, wearing her usual wear. Morag, in despair, sees the new visitors, then puts on a friendly face. The one thing James never trusts.

Morag: Oh me, oh my! *traversing down the stairs* Do my eyes deceive me? Why, you're, um...

Angus: Louds!

Morag: Yes, I heard the song, Angus. Everyone in Scotland heard the song.

Angus bolts over to her and grips her in a bone-crushing hug.

Angus: Our dreams have come true, Morag! Louds are back after 400 years!

Angus beams with stars in his eyes.

Morag: Ho-oh, my! *close-up* Put. Me. Down.

Angus: Oh, sorry! Sorry. *puts her down* Loud family, may I introduce Morag, the castle caretaker.

Lola goes to Morag with her bag.

Lola: Oh! Would you care to take my bag?

Rita: *pulls Lola away, leaving the bag there* Lola! Heh heh, sorry.

As Lola is dragged away, she points to her bag and does a wiggle worm motion

Angus: I can barely believe Louds have returned to their rightful place!

Rita: Well, for a week.

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