The plot behind the louds.

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Morag: *holding the stone* You got rid of your Duke, and I shall get rid of mine! *cackles*

Meanwhile in the Duke's room, Lincoln takes a deep breath, and calls up Clyde. Back at the McBride residence in Royal Woods, Clyde is sitting at a table in his kitchen by his phone. Once he sees Lincoln is calling, he picks up immediately.

Clyde: Hi, Lincoln! How is the best bud that a best bud... *cuts to Lincoln* ...could ever have enjoying his vacation?

Lincoln: You won't believe it, Clyde. Turns out my family is royalty, and I'm the new Duke of Loch Loud!

Morag, who is still wet from the rain, listens in from behind the door, growling.

Clyde: Holy dream puff! That's awesome! I guess now that you're a Duke, you don't have to worry anymore about whether you're special.

Lincoln: Yup! No more being stuck in my sisters' shadows.

Morag's eyes widen.

Clyde: "Yes!

She wickedly smiles and chuckles evilly as she continues to eavesdrop.

Lincoln: All hail the Duke!

Clyde: Wait a minute. How are you gonna be the Duke of Loch Loud when you're back in Royal Woods? Do they have, like, an exchange program?

Lincoln: *gulps; nervous* Um, not exactly. *nervously chuckles* Which is why...  *braces himself* We moved to Scotland. *He looks to see that Clyde is silent* Clyde?

Clyde suddenly grins.

Clyde: Lincoln! This is the coolest news!

Lincoln: It is? *sighs in relief* That's such a relief. I can't wait for you to come visit.

Clyde: Me too! I'd love to visit Scotland. Hey, I gotta go. *cuts to his angle* But call me later 'cause I wanna hear all about your new super duper amazing life!

Clyde hangs up, and the camera zooms out to show an orange cake that says "WELCOME HOME, LINCOLN". He tears up, letting his real emotions show, and sobs into the cake.

Clyde: *smacks* Needs more cinnamon... *continues crying*

Cut back to the Duke's room.

Lincoln: Ah, what a friend.

Morag: *grins evilly* The sisters. Yes, that's it.

She walks away, laughing sinisterly and starts to sing.

The time has come to play pretend
And I'll trick Lincoln into thinking I'm his friend

She slides down the banister as a shining spotlight casts on her, and dramatically walking down the stairs in four different colored spotlights.

And I'll humiliate the boy, you see
And drive the Louds away from me for good
No, no, no, no, no!

She has a fantasy sequence in which she is on a beach with a sand castle. Ships full of Louds approach, and the hordes of Louds swarm Morag as she stands on the castle before putting on the crown to repel them except James who stood strong.

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