Prophecy Coming True

Start from the beginning

Uhtred: This could put them in danger.

Felix: She is in danger.

Uhtred: I have to tell Eric.

Felix: They will know if they know. Uhtred, you have to be smart about this. . All of you are sitting ducks. Do you realize that all of you could die?

Gisela: So what do we do?

Felix: Do not let them get their hands on her. Eric will find out. It is written. If they so even sniff out that he knows anything or she does...They will kill them both...*He looked at his watch*...I have been here for too long. They'll know another witch is here.

Uhtred: Go and we will go to Milo. Thank you...*They hugged and Felix nodded at Gisela as he walked off*

Taylor: Where are we going for dinner?

Eric: It's a famous Italian place...*Taylor licked her lips and he smiled*

Milo: He's right. They can't know.

Uhtred: Then we are letting them rot? I asked for him to be here and now you want me to...Lie to him. He is my oldest friend and I won't do that to him.

Milo: Fine. She can't know. You know what she'll do.

Gisela: She will find out eventually...*Taylor smiled as she sipped her blood*

Taylor: Thank you. Eric...That was really good...*Eric smiled and held her hand*...Let's go walk some more.

Eric: Whatever you want to do...*They held hands as they walked off. Taylor felt Jax and stopped walking*

Eric: Love?...*She quickly pulled out her phone and called him*

Jax: Yeah?

Taylor: Are...Are you okay? I felt you.

Jax: I...Uh. Yeah. All good..

Taylor: Are you sure? Do you need me? I can head back.

Jax: No. I...I'm fine.

Taylor: Jax? You don't sound fine.

Jax: Help me.

Tara: Shut your mouth!

Taylor: Jax!...Jax!?...*The phone clicked off and she gasped*...Jax!

Eric: Taylor?

Taylor: I knew it! Tara is not human. I smelled it on her...She is a witch and she is messing with Jax. I have to go.

Eric: Taylor...Think about this.

Taylor: I am! My boys are there with them.

Eric: So is Kelly. I will call her and she will take the boys. If this is Clay...You will fall into his trap and who knows what they have planned or are cooking up...*Taylor nodded*...I won't let anything happen to you. I most certainly won't let anything happen to those boys...*Taylor sighed and he kissed her forehead. He looked at his phone and sighed*

Taylor: Eric? What is it?

Eric: Uhtred. 911...*He pulled her close as they walked back to his car*...What happened?

Taylor: Eric...*She held her head and he rubbed her shoulders. He caught her as she slowly passed out*

Eric: What?

Uhtred: We have a problem...*Eric sighed*...It's the kids.

Eric: Her kids? Her boys?

Gisela: They are after the kids, Eric.

Eric: Who?

Milo: We don't know but we do know it's witches. If you leave...

Eric: I know, I know. This doesn't make...*Gisela saw the look in his eyes*

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