Chapter 5

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One day later

The four would be having their sleepover celebration, but for now, they were on their own. Olivia was in her bedroom, strumming her guitar when her laptop lit up. Lola started barking at the screen. "Okay, okay. I'll go look at it." She said, putting her guitar down.

She carried her laptop to her bed and opened it. On the screen was a very official email from her favorite band ever.

From: Joker Out Team
To: Samantha Wellesley, Olivia Moore, Jenna Cooper, Avery Hughes
CC: Bojan Cvjetićanin, Jan Peteh, Jure Maček, Kris Guštin, Nace Jordan
Subject: Carpe Diem Summer Tour

Dear Samantha, Olivia, Jenna and Avery,
Congratulations! You have been selected to join Joker Out on their Carpe Diem summer tour! We are looking forward to meeting you, being with us and having you on the tour will make it extra special. Please arrive in Ljubljana by May 15, and we'll make arrangements soon.

Joker Out Team

PS if you have any questions please feel free to DM any band member

Olivia opened up the email app on her phone. It was the exact same email that she had received on her computer. "DAD! DAD!" Olivia screamed, running to the kitchen.

"What is it, my darling?" He asked, not looking up from his computer.

"You know how my friends and I entered to join Joker Out on their summer tour, right?"

"I know, what about it."


"I am so proud of you, sweetheart. Your mother is gonna be so happy for you."

Then Olivia's phone buzzed.

I just heard that you and your friends got picked for the tour! I am so proud of you.

Hvala lepa, Mom

Olivia then texted the group chat.


Jenna was making herself some instant oatmeal while raking a break from packing when her phone buzzed.


Check your emails

This is not a drill

Jenna hurried to her bedroom and opened her Mail app.

From: Joker Out Team
To: Samantha Wellesley, Olivia Moore, Jenna Cooper, Avery Hughes
CC: Bojan Cvjetićanin, Jan Peteh, Jure Maček, Kris Guštin, Nace Jordan
Subject: Carpe Diem Summer Tour

Dear Samantha, Olivia, Jenna and Avery,
Congratulations! You have been selected to join Joker Out on their Carpe Diem summer tour! We are looking forward to meeting you, having you with us and having you on the tour will make it extra special. Please arrive in Ljubljana by May 15, and we'll make arrangements soon.

Joker Out Team

PS if you have any questions please feel free to DM any band member

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. This is not real. I'm seriously going on tour with Olivia's favorite band. Holy cow."

Grant walked in to Jenna's room. "What are you saying 'holy cow' about?" He asked.

"You don't need to know, stinker."

"And who is Joke-"


"Jenna, what's going on?"

"She's not telling me anything about what she's saying 'holy cow' about."

"Is there anything you want to add, Jenna?"

Jenna took a deep breath. "My friends and I got selected to join Joker Out on their Carpe Diem summer tour. They're a Slovenian band."

"That's wonderful, sweetie! Congratulations!"


"SAMANTHA WELLESLEY! YOU GOT AN IMPORTANT EMAIL!" Michelle yelled as Sam was practicing a new beat on her drum set. "Sam? SAM WELLESLEY!"

"Shelly? What?"

"Can you please put down your drumsticks? You got an email."

Sam put her drumsticks in her percussion bin and hurried to her computer. On the screen was an email.

From: Joker Out Team
To: Samantha Wellesley, Olivia Moore, Jenna Cooper, Avery Hughes
CC: Bojan Cvjetićanin, Jan Peteh, Jure Maček, Kris Guštin, Nace Jordan
Subject: Carpe Diem Summer Tour

Dear Samantha, Olivia, Jenna and Avery,
Congratulations! You have been selected to join Joker Out on their Carpe Diem summer tour! We are looking forward to meeting you, having you with us and having you on the tour will make it extra special. Please arrive in Ljubljana by May 15, and we'll make arrangements soon.

Joker Out Team

PS if you have any questions please feel free to DM any band member

"SHELLY! I GOT ON THE TOUR!" Sam yelled.

Michelle ran up to Sam amd peered at the email. "AAAAH MY BABY SISTER IS GOING ON TOUR! OH MY GOSH! MOM! DAD!" Michelle called.

"What is it?" Sam's mom asked.

"Jenna, Olivia, Avery and I got on the tour!"

Sam's mom wrapped her in a big hug. "I'm so happy for you. Wanna invite the girls over to celebrate?"

"That's the reason we're doing the sleepover. Well, partly because we graduated. But also because of this."

Avery picked up her phone and saw the email. "MOMMY! AUNT CASSIE! WE GOT ON THE TOUR!"

Cassie, Avery's mom's younger sister, ran to Avery's room. Cassie peered over Avery's shoulder. "My little bass player, I am so so proud of you. Aves, I knew you were going to do great things. I wish you all the best."

Then Avery's phone buzzed.


Still on for the sleepover?

Yep! Same time?

YEP! I'm bringing all my JO merch

Partly because we got on the tour?

Partly. I knew it was gonna be us.

When you said you had a hunch it was us, I believed you. And it's true!

Avery went back to strumming her bass, practicing the bass line to 'Carpe Diem'. "Sweetie, you have the sleepover at Sam's tonight!"

"I know, Mommy."

Carpe Aestatem (original)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon