Chapter 53

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After the chaos of the day, the merch ready to rock and roll, we were walking over to Workman's, the place where our gig is. I was so excited. Jan and I were walking around Dublin the whole day, looking at some sites, like Trinity College (one of the colleges my mom looked at before she settled on going to the University of Ljubljana), had my first ever Guinness (not a huge fan, but it was good), and bought an Irish flag keychain. Best way to experience Dublin before a gig. Before we left, I had trouble picking out what I wanted to wear. "Janci? I need help. I don't know what to wear." I said, rummaging through my duffle.

"What do you have in there?"

I pulled out a pair of jeans. "I don't know if these will work for tonight. We're just hanging out backstage, aren't we?"

"You'll come out at the end. We're all wearing nice pants and shirts. So are the Wild Youth boys."

I grabbed one of my sweater vests (it was red), the jeans I pulled out of my duffle, and I'd be wearing the same sneakers I wore today. Having one pair of shoes to keep track of made packing so much easier. Just my Nikes and I was fine. I modeled the outfit. "What do you think!"

Jan looked from the vest, to the jeans, to the shoes. "That's the fashionista I know!" Jan laughed, getting out his phone.

I did so many poses, grabbed my purse and within five minutes, we were in the hotel lobby. Mom texted me around 5PM.

Have you met them yet?

Not yet. We're waiting for everyone else. We're getting some pizza on our way as well.

"Olivia? We're going to be a little delayed." Jan said.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Jure smashed his head into one of the low pillars."

"Is he going to be okay?"

"He will be. We'll be running a few minutes late."

"Oh. Okay."

I went back to scrolling on my phone. I looked at Jenna's Instagram story, her and Bojan in the guitar shop. She looked like she was having so much fun. Sam had posted that she and Kris got the missing luggage, so we had merch for the gig tonight. Earlier today, Avery texted us a picture of Nace's new tattoo. It looked so good on him. My stomach was full of metulji, butterflies. I was so excited that I'm getting to meet WILD YOUTH: Callum, Conor, Ed, and David. According to Joker Out, an my mother, they seem really sweet. We haven't seen them at all today, which was a good thing.

Jenna and Bojan were the next two down. "We're getting Jure taken care of. He's okay, was bleeding for a bit, got a Band-Aid on, he'll be down in a few minutes. How was your day?" Bojan said.

"Good. I tried a sip of Jan's Guinness. It was okay. My dad would kill me if I tried a Guinness without him." I explained. "It was the first beer I've had in my life."

"The alcohol kind of threw her off." Jan explained.

"Probably because we're American." Jenna added.

I laughed. "Slovene-American, but I'm American, still."

We all laughed as Avery and Nace came down. "We got Maček taken care of. He'll be down with Kris and Sam in a few minutes."

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Are we still going to get pizza?" Avery asked.

"Yes. We might have to bring it to Workman's, depending on what time we all get down here." Jan said.

Just as Jan was about to text Kris about what time he, Jure and Sam would be down, the three of them arrived. "I'm okay. I'm okay." Jure said, checking the band-aid was secure on his forehead.

"Pizza?" Nace asked.

"Onwad!" I shouted.

We had to be at Workman's by 7, and it was 5:45. It's a 30-minute walk to the pizza place, then another 7-minute walk to Workman's. I was so excited as we were walking to the restaurant. I mean, I LOVE pizza. My mom's homemade pizza is the best pizza ever (besides Domino's, where I worked for the summer last year while interning under my mom).

After we got dinner, we walked over to Workman's. "Cal? Conor? David? Ed? Where are those people?" Jenna said, setting down her bag.

"I don't know." Avery and I replied at the same time.

Sam was busy filming with her sister's camera (I'm surprised it didn't break in transit), waiting for Wild Youth to show up. Are they not coming? I completely forgot my guitar at the hotel. What if they got stuck in traffic? Okay, that's likelier than them flaking out on us two hours before the concert. "Everyone?" I nears Bojan say.

We all huddled together. "Okay, Conor just texted me, they're stuck in traffic right now. They should be here in 15 minutes."

I breathed a sigh of relief. They are coming, just a little late. About ten minutes later, a group of four guys walked in, who I assumed were Wild Youth. Sam looked like she was about to drop her camera. "Are you...THE WILD YOUTH?!" Sam shrieked.

"We are." The man, who I assumed was Conor, replied. "You are...?"

"Samantha Wellesley. I prefer Sam. Olivia? Jenna? Avery? Joker Out? Wild Youth is here!" Sam called.

Let's do this, I told myself. "Hi, I'm Olivia Moore. Pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Conor. Conor O Donohoe. This is David Whelan, Ed Porter and Cal McAdam." Conor replied.

"Are you related to Izabela Moore?" Cal asked.

Crap. Do I lie or tell the truth? "Uhh...I am. I'm her daughter. Didn't she interview you recently?"

"She did. She was a very lovely host."

"I was on that podcast recently, and I told her I would do it if she wasn't going to co-host it."

David laughed. Jenna and Avery had just popped up behind me. "Just told the crew. They're on their way." Jenna said.

"Oh, and these are Jenna Cooper and Avery Hughes. I think Sam already introduced herself to Conor, by the looks of it."

"How are you liking Dublin?"

"It's a great city." Jenna said. "Love the atmosphere, Bojan and I were in a guitar shop which had the cutest little notebook. Because I'm about to write my first song!"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Cal said.

AND BOJAN IS BACK ON INSTA!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I'm just too happy.

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