Chapter 29

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Jan had stayed with me until I had fallen asleep. The last thing I remember when I had conked out was him giving me little peck on my cheek and Igor getting off the bed. I was out like a log until I felt little paws climb onto the bed and Jan was on top of the bed. "Dobro jutro, sonček." Jan whispered into my ear.

I stirred. "Dobro jutro, Janči."

He brushed my messy hair out of my eyes. "Did you sleep well?"


I turned over and locked eyes with him. Then Igor jumped onto the bed and started making biscuits on my chest. "Igor, you seriously have to bake bread on my chest!"

Jan hit me gently with a pillow, then I did the same, and we were both laughing so hard. Igor finally stopped kneading on my chest and I was finally able to put on my Demoni T-shirt, some flare jeans and my Air Force Ones. "I've got some apples sliced, bread's going in the toaster, coffee?"

"Coffee is great. Do you have milk to put in it?" I asked as I got my guitar by the front door.

Jan checked the fridge. "I do. You want some?"

Our coffees were done, Jan poured a splash of milk into our coffees, and I nibbled on an apple slice. "I remember when I was little, my mom would always slice an apple for me at breakfast. Apples are my favorite fruit. EVER."

"You surely have a little Slovenian blood."

"I'm half-American, half-Slovenian. You know my mom was born in the US, but my grandparents on her side are from Maribor. I think I still have some family here, I don't know. I'll ask my mom."

"When this ends, promise to visit?"


I then sipped my coffee. "You like to cook, right?"

"When I'm not playing guitar, helping people with math or with Igor, that's what I'm usually doing. Do you want me to teach you a few recipes this afternoon?"

"Yeah! I only know how to make žlikrofi, and that's it. I remember when I was in elementary school, there was this one kid who said they looked weird. I was a little antisocial until middle school. And then in high school I met Jenna, Sam and Avery. And I always make žlikrofi every time they come over. It's my Babi's recipe. It's been in our family for years. It came all the way from Maribor to Chicago."

"I can teach you my recipe, if you want."

"Can you also teach me how to make Bled Cream Cake? My mom has been looking for a recipe, even asked my Babi to look for hers."

"I do have one. We can make that this afternoon."

"When I get home, I can teach my mom. I'll be like 'this is Jan's recipe.' She's gonna love it."

"I know she will. What inspired you play the guitar?"

"My mom has had a passion for music, but she was discouraged by her parents, who made her go into journalism. She loves journalism, but she also loves music. When she and my dad had me, she wanted to give what she never got a chance to pursue. And I've loved playing the guitar since I started."

Jan looked at me. "I'm proud of you, sonček. Im so glad I get to mentor you on this tour, get to be with the daughter of my favorite journalist..."

"Wait, you liked my mom?"

"She was such a sweet person when we met in Liverpool, the day before we officially announced that we had chosen you. She had heard about the tour, and knew you and your friends had entered. Your video was definitely my favorite."



"I literally saw your tweet and was like, 'OMG, we have to do this!', and Jenna suggested that I sing it because I knew the language."

"You were so talented, sonček. You were. Anyways, we're running a little late. You have your guitar?"

I grabbed my guitar and we headed out to the rehearsal space.

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