Chapter 50

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The next day

I was sitting around in the hotel room next to Bojan on my phone, posting pictures from our shopping spree yesterday after we checked in when I heard a knock on the door. "Hello? This is someone from the Dublin airport. We have a piece of luggage for you."

Bojan got off the couch and opened the door. "Thank you so much. Anything about the pink one?" He asked the man at the front door.

"We're still looking."

I groaned. I texted Sam.

Update: We have Bojan's luggage now, not Kris's

We're at the airport rn with customer service. They haven't found it yet. We're just waiting around, working out a solution. What are you up to?

Just relieved that Bojan has his luggage! Woohoo! I don't know what we're going to do. I think we're going to look at some guitars.

Keep us posted!

Kris here- we will ❤️

I set down my phone and grabbed my guitar. I strummed a few chords, but I eventually was strumming 'Plastika', one of my favorites, but 'A sem ti povedal' tops my list. It's my favorite. "Hey, Jenna?" Bojan asked once he finished getting unpacked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go look for an acoustic guitar with me."

"Oooh! That sounds fun!" I exclaimed.

"Hey Mark?" Bojan asked.


"Would you like to come guitar shopping with us and film it?"

There was silence as there was rustling fron one of the mini-rooms in our suite. "Okay, I'm ready."

"I guess that's a yes." I laughed.

I grabbed my small purse that I bought at Macy's with my drivers license, room key, my phone and the Polaroid of me and my family, and headed out the door. "So, where are we thinking?" I asked as we walked further into downtown Dublin.

"There's a guitar shop over there." Mark said, pointing to a store on the other side of the street.

"Oh wow. I love guitar shopping." I said.

I pulled out my phone. "Guitar shop, here we come!" I exclaimed as we were walking towards the entrance of the shop.

I opened the door as Mark and Bojan followed me in. There were guitars at every angle: acoustic guitars, electric guitars, bass guitars, guitar accessories, capos, straps. It was like Guitar Center back home, but BETTER because it's an Irish place, not just in the US. "Oh my gosh. THIS PLACE IS AMAZING!" I squealed when we walked in. "Hey Mark? Did you catch that?"

"I did." Mark replied.

"I LOVE music stores. I have a vinyl player in my room that I got for my fifteenth birthday, and I have a ton of vinyls for it, my parents seriously don't want me to play it at night, but I do sometimes. At a low volume. Sorry, Mom!" I laughed.

I wandered over to the electric guitars. On the right was a really pretty light purple electric guitar: a Fender Jaguar, one of my dream guitars, although I have two at home. "Bojan, come check this out!" I said, grabbing the guitar.

"You have something you want to play?"

"Oh yes!"

I played some of the chords for the demo Sam, Olivia, Avery and I laid at school for our Senior Capstone project (we could do it in groups if we wanted). We laid it in the school's recording studio, and we all had it on our phones in case inspiration struck. I had the chords written in the Notes app on my phone. "Okay, CM7, to Am7, to Am, back to C." I told myself as I grabbed the pick I got at the Opry about a month ago.

I played it, like how I did it on the demo. "Is that the demo you were talking about?" Bojan asked.

"Yeah. We wrote it for our Senior Capstone project and we want to fully record it, we just don't know when. And I haven't written any lyrics yet." I groaned.

"Anyway, I'm thinking about getting this guitar." He replied, showing me a maroon acoustic guitar.

"Bojči, you can't bring it home." I laughed. "You're stopping in Finland to see Jere before you come back."

"I know, I know. Are you going to buy anything?"

"I'm maybe thinking about buying a little songwriting notebook." (A/N for my acting class at school my teacher gave us all little notebooks similar to what Jenna's going to buy)

I walked to the songbook section and looked for some blank notebooks. As I was looking at the small ones, Bojan was explaining how he was buying that guitar and write a song on it and give it away at Wednesday's gig. I grabbed a small orange, white and green tie-dye notebook with a ton of music notes sprinkled across the cover. But Bojan was already paying for the guitar. "Does she have a name? What's her name?" He asked the cashier.

"Let's call her...what's a good Irish name?"

Irish names, Irish names. My mom's side of the family is Irish, and my grandmother's name is Shannon. "How about Shannon?" I said.

"Shannon. That's a good name!" Bojan said. "How did you come up with it?"

"My mom's side of the family is Irish, actually. And my grandma's name is Shannon, so that's how I came to it."

"Here she is, the lovely Shannon. Next?"

I walked up to the register and paid for the notebook. "Cool name you came up with there."

"Thank you."

Bojan and I were just about to leave the store. "Jenna, can you take a picture of me with the guitar?"

"Of course, Bojan."

I took the photo on his Instagram (he still had it at this point). " is...Shannon, and an Irish flag and a heart, and here we go!" He posted the photo.

(I love his smile so much)

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(I love his smile so much)

"Thank you so much, sir." Bojan said as we were about to leave.

"Of course."

I had tucked the notebook into my purse. "What notebook did you buy?"

I unzipped my bag and took it out. "One of my MANY Dublin souvenirs." I laughed.

"Haha. That's my girl."

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