Chapter 31

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I looked through the drawers for something nice to wear to dinner with Kris's family. Kris said it was fine if I wore jeans and a T-shirt, but I still wanted to make a really good impression on the Guštins. I called Michelle. "Hey Sammie! How are you liking Ljubljana?"

"It's a cute city. I'm meeting Kris's family tonight, and I don't know what to wear. Kris said it's fine if I just go in jeans and a T-shirt."

"You did pack a few blouses, right?"

"I think I did."

I hurried to the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans. "How about these jeans?" I asked, holding up the '90s Hollister jeans I bought when we were shopping for the tour.

"How about that with your blue Forever 21 sweater? I need to see you in that."

I put on the entire outfit. "OMG! SAMMIE! YOU LOOK SO CUTE! Also wear your hair down. And your Converse."

I modeled the full outfit, including my 'Sam' necklace, my charm bracelet, and the Converse. "What won't impress them?"

"The fact that I'm American and don't know Slovenian or Dutch?"

"Sammie, you'll be fine."

"Tell Mom and Dad I said hello!"

"I will! Have fun tonight!"

I hung up and grabbed my purse. "Hey Kris! What do you think?" I asked.

"I love it! It looks good on you." He said. He pulled me closer and hugged me. "My sister has a similar style like yours. I know you two are going to click. And you're the first one from your band to meet my brother. They're both really nice."

"Promise me it's gonna be alright?"

"Ah-oh, ah-oh, ah-oh, ah-oh, oh-oh. I promise."

We then headed out the door, and my palms were sweating. I was so nervous. What if his family didn't like me? What if I didn't like them? What if... "You okay, Sam?" Kris asked as we were about a mile away from his family's house.

"I'm nervous they won't like me."

"My mom knew that I would have a member from your band stay with me. She was really excited to meet you."

"Are all Dutch people like that?"

"My mom, yes. She's lived here for 24 years, and I was born about six or seven months after she arrived in Ljubljana."

Five minutes later, we arrived at the Guštins. I stood behind Kris as I was really nervous. I then decided to stand next to him and fidgeted with my class ring. Kris rubbed my shoulder, which helped me calm down. He rang the doorbell, and I heard footsteps coming towards the door. "Kris, my son! How have you been!" The woman who opened the door said, hugging Kris.

"Hallo, Mom."

"And this is..."

"I'm Samantha Wellesley, I got by Sam." I said nervously as she shook my hand.

"Come in, come in! Dinner will be ready soon."

Kris and I followed his mom inside, and I felt out of my element. "Sam, right?"


"Do you want water, coffee, tea? Or anything like that?"

"I'll have a water, bedankt." (Thanks)

Kris's mom's jaw dropped. "Blame Kris for teaching me a few phrases."

Kris ruffled my hair and hugged me close. "Anyways, I have some people for you to meet."

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