Chapter 37

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Harry's POV

I stood in the entrance hall outside the great hall and rummaged in my bag to check that I had my transfiguration homework. On seeing that it was safely secured next to my quills, I turned on my heel and started to go up the stairs. A voice called out "Wait up Potter."

I turned around and spotted Cedric striding to catch up with me. Grinning down at him I chuckled "Good to see you too Diggory."

Cedric beamed at me then as soon as he was close enough, grasped my hand in his then pressed his lips to mine.

"I'm proud of you." He announced as we walked up the stairs.

I blushed a deep shade of red "thank you."

Cedric smiled "I've always admired you, you know. You're extremely brave, very protective of your friends, you're incredibly smart, you have the balls to put yourself in danger for the sake of others and you're an incredible quidditch player."

Laughing, I responded "I don't think me 'having the balls' is the best phrase any more."

Cedric laughed cheerfully. He had an amazing laugh, it was had to describe but it was always full of happiness.

"What lesson have you got Harry?" Cedric asked.

"Transfiguration, what do you have?" I responded.

Cedric smiled "I'll walk you there, I have charms."

I blushed slightly but allowed Cedric to lead me to transfiguration.

When we stopped, I lent back against the stone wall and looked up at my boyfriend, smiling brightly. Cedric bent down and gently kissed my lips, resting one hand in the wall just above my head.

"Have you thought about the egg?" I asked.

Cedric shook his head, "you?"

I shook my head as well. I hadn't had the time and to be honest, I really couldn't be bothered.

"Perhaps we should try and figure it out together." I suggested nervously.

I don't know why I was nervous. I mean he is my boyfriend but even so. We were technically competing against each other.

"Good plan, with my brains and your charm we'll be unstoppable." Cedric laughed.

I smirked up at him "I think you mean my brains and your charm pretty boy. You're the charming one. You're not just charming though, you are kind, loyal, hardworking and devilishly handsome."

Cedric blushed slightly. Well fuck me sideways with a rusty steel door handle. I was flirting...successfully.

"Damn you Potter, you're bloody good at flirting." Cedric mumbled.

I grinned innocently up at him "oh am I? I didn't realise Mr Diggory, perhaps we should see if my kissing skills are just as good."

Cedric blushed then bent down to press our lips together. I smiled then gently kissed him back, slowly moving my hands into his hair.

When we broke apart, Harry smiled "you have to get to charms Ced."

Cedric sighed "I suppose I do."

I laughed "I'll talk to you later."

Cedric made no effort to move as he responded "alright, see you later Harry."

He gently kissed me before I eventually had to shove him, laughing "you'll be late you idiot."

He winked at me "at least it will be for a good reason."

Rolling my eyes I gave him one final peck on the lips before striding into my classroom. I flung my bag down on the desk and rummaged around in it for a slip of parchment. I smirked, it was all part of a prank on Sirius that was bound to go spectacularly.

I walked over to McGonagall's desk and announced "Minnie, I have a note for you."

"I'm assuming you were too busy kissing your boyfriend to give it to me before class started." She responded as the door shut behind the final student.

I grinned "yep."

Rolling her eyes, she took the parchment from my outstretched hand and read it aloud under her breath "Dear Minnie McG, would you like to attend the Yule Ball with me? Sincerely Your favourite student, Sirius Orion Black."

I snorted with laughter as McGonagall hid her face in her hands "that boy is an idiot, Potter I was supposed to tell you that Dumbledore wants to see you, the password is 'chocolate frogs'."

I nodded, "alright, thanks Min. Do me a favour and if you respond to my godfather's...invitation, could you do it just as dinner starts?"

McGonagall stared at me, her eyebrows closely knitted in a shrewd expression, "you're planning something aren't you Miss Potter." She commented.

I stared through my lashes innocently "what are you talking about Professor?"

She sighed "god damn you James Potter."

I grinned back at her "I had best see what Dumbledore wants, I'll leave my homework on my desk."

So I did just that. I took out my homework, leaving it on my desk before walking out of the classroom and towards the headmasters office.

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