Chapter 30

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Harry's POV

I flooed with Augusta and Remus to the ministry, smuggling Sirius in under my invisibility cloak. There was a meeting of the Wizengamot which meant that we could put our plan into action.

"Are you alright Harry?" Sirius asked, I couldn't see him but I felt his presence right beside me.

"I'm scared, Uncle Siri." I responded truthfully.

I could not cope if this went pear-shaped, I'd have nowhere else to go. Sirius pulled me into a hug. I couldn't hug him back as it would be strange if I was essentially hugging thin air but it was comforting.

"It will be alright Harry, Augusta has been planning this for a long time." Remus smiled.

I smiled at him then gave him a small hug "thanks uncle Remus."

"You're welcome, now I have to go back to Longbottom estate as I was only here to help get Sirius into the ministry." Remus explained.

I nodded. I knew the plan, it was risky but well thought through. Remus walked over to where Sirius was standing and pressed a kiss to his cheek (well I'm assuming it was his cheek as it's hard to tell when Sirius is covered in the invisibility cloak).

"Good luck Padfoot, don't do anything too stupid." He mumbled.

Sirius let out a quiet bark of a laugh and responded "don't worry Rem, I'll be fine. Gus Gus will hit me if I do something stupid."

Augusta laughed "very true."

I smirked "Don't worry Uncle Remy, he won't be doing anything stupid because he's doing you. If he is stupid I'll hit him."

Remus laughed loudly "thanks for the reassurance cub, see you all later. Good luck."

As he walked away Sirius sideled up to me and mutters "if we weren't in the ministry I'd chase you around."

I rolled my eyes.

"Come along Lady Potter, we must go." Augusta stated formally.

"Yes yes of course Dowager Longbottom." I responded, getting into my business persona.

We walked into the courtroom and I looked around nervously. There were a lot of very important men, I hoped I wouldn't screw this all up.

"Now, to business. Do we have any new Lord or Lady's with us today?" Dumbledore asked  as I sat down.

"Yes." I announced.

Heads turned in my direction. I stood up (it didn't do much as I'm so short but it allowed most people to have a clear view of me).

"My name is Lady Harry Potter. I was pranked into being given a gender swap potion hence why I look like a girl. I have only recently been made aware of my position in society and would like to claim my seat on the Wizengamot."

The courtroom was filled with murmurings.

"How, you're only 12?" An old man sneered.

I glared at him and was pleased to see him cower slightly "I'm 14 and due to me being forced into the triwizard tournament I was emancipated."

"Very well, did you have anything to say to us Lady Potter?" Amelia Bones asked.

I shot Augusta and Sirius a small smirk before walking into the large space in the middle of the courtroom.

"I have a very serious matter that I would like to discuss. I have been made aware that in the time before Halloween 1981, the ministry gave aurors the power to arrest Death eaters and throw them into Azkaban without a trial, is that correct?"

"Yes Lady Potter." A man responded.

I glanced up at him and saw that he had a smirk on his face. A very familiar face. He looked a lot like Daphne. His strong jawline and harsh grey eyes were the exact same as hers. It must be her father.

"Well, what would happen if a Lord of an Ancient and Nobel house was thrown in Azkaban without a trial?"

Furious mumbles echoed through the chamber.

"Well that would be a mockery of justice." The minister of magic Cornelius Fudge announced.

"Glad you agree with me Minister as I have an example of when that happened." I smirked.

I looked around at the people before me and noticed Lucius Malfoy sat in a seat near Madam Bones (Susan's aunt). I realised that he certainly should not be there so he most likely took control of Sirius' position.

"Who?" The minister asked scandalised "I should get them released right now and give them a fair trial."

I felt the warmth of a body beside me and I had to hold back a smirk.

"No need Minister, I took it upon myself to save you the trouble." Sirius announced before dramatically emerging from underneath the invisibility cloak.

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