Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

The end of today's lessons couldn't come quicker. I think this prank will be amazing. After my last lesson of the day (divination which was living hell) I went to the library to pick out a few books. I have decided that since I will be risking my life in the Triwizard tournament, I might as well use it as an opportunity to pick up my grades. I especially wanted to pick up my potions grade as I genuinely enjoyed it when Snape wasn't breathing down my neck. After picking out a few potions, charms, transfiguration, herbology and complex defence against the dark arts books, I decided that it would be beneficial to switch my elective from Divination to either ancient runes or arithmancy. Walking over to the librarian Madame Pince, my mind wandered to Sirius and Remus. Have they seen each other? Would they be proud I was channeling my father's spirit in pranking? Would they be proud I was channeling my mother's spirit in academics? I hope so.

I walked out of the library with a stack of 10 books and decided to write letters to Sirius and Remus. However that could wait as it was time for the prank to begin.

I rushed to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom - not something I would usually do - and found the twins with Hermione. I had told her to meet me there and I was glad to find that she was there waiting for me.

We snuck inside and I began bubbling with excitement. Thankfully Myrtle wasn't in there at the present moment. This was going to be epic. I was going to start my pranking career off with a dramatic entrance.

"So Harry are you ready to become Harriet?" George asked.

"Yep, just tell me what I have to do." I responded grinning widely.

Holding up a bubblegum pink potion, Fred said "You just have to drink this potion."

"Ok, is there anything I should know?" I asked just to be on the safe side.

"I'm glad you asked Harry. This potion will not only change your gender, but it will change you into what you would have looked like if you were a girl. This potion lasts for a year and it doesn't have an antidote so you will be in the for the long run. This means I will have to help you buy clothes and essential things a girl needs. Do you have any questions?" Hermione spoke so quickly it made me dizzy.

"Just one, does this mean I'll have periods?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, you will have completely functional female anatomy," Hermione responded.

"God dammit," I laughed.

Taking the potion from Fred, I cheerfully exclaimed "bottoms up," before swallowing the potion.

Darkness engulfed me quicker than you could've said Quidditch.

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