Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

The silence in the courtroom was deafening. I smirked at Sirius who grinned roguishly back.

"Arrest him, it's Sirius Black." Someone shouted.

I turned to stare at the person. It was Amos Diggory, Cedric's father. I raised my eyebrow at him and asked "Mr Diggory I believe?"

He nodded stiffly.

"If Lord Black here wasn't innocent, how could he have kept his lordship while he was in Azkaban?" I asked simply.

Please don't be mad at me Cedric.

Mr Diggory mumbled something incoherent before falling silent. The courtroom burst out into loud whispers. My flicked over to where Lucius Malfoy was sat and I saw that despite how much he tried to hide it, he was looking extremely nervous.

"Preposterous, Luc- Lord Malfoy is Lord Black." The minister responded.

I laughed "Lord Malfoy, oh dear me that is the biggest lie anyone has ever told. Minister, I don't know who educated you on how the titles of Lord or Lady of a house are given but the since the Malfoy family is not a house but a mere clan who migrated from France to England in the 1800s Mr Malfoy is not a Lord."

Lucius Malfoy looked like he had swallowed a lemon. His sour face flushed an ugly shade of red.

"Is that true Lucius?" Fudge asked.

"Yes." Malfoy Sr mumbled.

Fudge gasped as though someone had shot his puppy. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"I never appointed Mr Malfoy as my proxy, I was never even given the opportunity to appoint someone to act on my behalf." Sirius announced.

I smirked at the outraged mutterings.

"That still doesn't prove his innocence." Amos Diggory hissed.

"Does the godfather oath ring a bell to you Mr Diggory?" I asked.

"Of course it does." He responded as though he thought that I thought he was stupid.

I turned to Sirius and asked "Lord Black, when you became my godfather did you take the godfather oath?"

"Yes Lady Potter, I did. Your father the late Lord James Potter insisted on it." Sirius responded, giving me a wink.

"He's a murderer we can't believe anything he says." Shouted Mr Diggory.

"Mr Diggory, you clearly do not know how the godfather oath works," I stated bluntly, "A godfather oath includes a man swearing to not harm a child or his family. If Lord Black here was guilty of information Voldemort where my family was, he would be dead."

At the mention of Voldemort, many people let out loud winces. Mr Diggory glared at me but fell silent again.

"Why was this never brought up before?" Fudge asked, astounded.

"I tried to tell you at the end of last year but you wouldn't listen to me minister." I stated bluntly.

The minister flushed and blotchy red in embarrassment.

"This may not be a trial however as the head of the department of magical law enforcement I am going to clear Lord Black if all charges." Amelia Bones announced.

I turned towards Sirius and hugged him tightly "you're free Padfoot, you're free."

Sirius grinned wider than I'd ever seen him grin (except for when Remus said yes to his proposal).

"Come on pup, let's go back to your uncle Rem. Gus Gus, we'll meet you back at yours." Sirius states.

Augusta nodded once to tell us that she had heard us. Sirius wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we walked towards the exit. I turned back and called "By the way, I'm suing the ministry for the unlawful imprisonment of my godfather which lead to me being raised by abusive muggles."

Without saying anything else, Sirius and I walked out of the courtroom.

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