Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

"I'm sorry did we interrupt something?" Remus asked smirking.

"Yes you did actually Uncle Remy, why are you here? Were you looking for a place to hump your Fiancé?" I smirked back.

Cedric chocked slightly, McGonagall hid her snigger in her hand while Remus blushed and Sirius transformed out if his human form and announced "If the pair of you would be so kind as to stop your make out session, we," he gestured at himself and his fiancé, "need to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes, "if you must you overprotective gits."

Cedric had clammed up, his hand was still tighty holding me close to him which made me smile.

"Come on Ced, it's alright, they aren't as bad as they make themselves seem." I whispered.

Cedric nodded nervously before letting me lead him out of the broom closet and up towards my room. McGonagall followed us and I was sure that it was because she wanted to watch Sirius give Cedric a shovel talk.

When we were all inside my room, I sat down in my bed and Cedric nervously sat next to me, keeping a careful distance between us. I chuckled then moved closer to him.

Sirius glared at Cedric "So you are the boy who has caught my goddaughter's eye."

Gulping, Cedric responded quietly "I suppose I am Lord Black."

I sighed, this would take some time...

"Now what exactly are your intentions towards my goddaughter?" Sirius asked icily.

I hid my face in Cedric's shoulder "oh my days this is so embarrassing, I'm sorry Ced, he's a dick."

Cedric stiffened up at Sirius' glare however relaxed slightly and wrapped his arm around my waist before responding "I care deeply for Harry. I don't know what I'd do if she got injured but I'd like to hope that I can be there to protect her. She's the most amazing person I've ever had the fortune to meet. I've fallen head over heels for her. She's intelligent, funny, fierce, loyal, kind, protective, not to mention absolutely beautiful. I think I'm a little bit in love with her."

I gasped, my eyes filled with tears. It was the sweetest thing I had ever heard. I looked over at Cedric then sent him the brightest smile ever "I think I'm a little bit in love with you too handsome." I murmured.

Cedric pressed a kiss to my forehead and grinned.

"She's in safe hands Pads, you don't have to worry." Remus smiled.

"I know Rem but she's still my goddaughter." Sirius responded.

"Oh erm, hello Professor Lupin, I didn't see you there." Cedric mumbled.

I chuckled. I suppose it was awkward seeing your ex-professor in a situation like this. Especially if your ex-professor saw you snogging his niece in a broom cupboard.

"Hello Mr Diggory, please call me Remus. I'm not your professor any more." Remus laughed.

Cedric nodded awkwardly so I whispered in his ear "Don't worry, it's alright, it's going well."

"I don't want my girlfriend's...Uncles/adopted dads...whatever Profes-Remus and Lord Black are to you." Cedric smiled tentatively.

"Both works " I laughed.

Remus and Sirius smiled fondly at me before Professor McGonagall announced from where she had been lurking in a corner "Is that it or will I want another biscuit?"

I laughed loudly and was shortly followed by my uncles and boyfriend.

"Listen, Mr Diggory." Sirius began.

"Cedric, please Lord Black." Cedric smiled.

"Call me Sirius. Listen Cedric, you seem like a very good bloke and I'm glad that my daughter has you. But I will warn you now - hurt her and you will die a very slow, sad and painful death." My twat-headed godfather announced.

"Hurt my cub and you won't see the light of day again." Remus threatened.

In most normal circumstances, an overprotective werewolf would be seen as terrifying however when said werewolf had multiple hickeys on his neck it was hard to be scared.

"I won't hurt her, don't worry, Sirius, Remus. Besides from what I have heard, Harry has inherited her mischievous streak from her father and the pair of you so I don't think that I'd be able to survive if I hurt her in any way." Cedric smiled weakly.

I laughed "I wouldn't be that mean Ced, don't worry...well it depends on what you did to me but we'll sort out the fine print later."

Cedric chuckled before gently kissing my cheek making Sirius to gag dramatically. After rolling my eyes, I flipped Sirius off then dragged Cedric out of the room to find a suitable broom closet, ignoring Remus' call of "use protection."

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