Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

"Settled down class, now before I forget I have an announcement to make." Instructed Professor McGonagall.

The class fell silent allowing our transfiguration Professor to continue "As is tradition in the Triwizard tournament, Hogwarts will be holding the Yule Ball. This occasion is will be held on Christmas Eve and it will be open to all students in 3rd year and above."

The class began chattering with excitement.

"Harry are you gonna ask Cedric?" Smirked Neville.

I blushed. I'd love to go with Cedric but I'd prefer it if he asked me. Oh god Sirius and Remus will tease me endlessly if I tell them about this.

"Harry do you wanna go to the ball with me?" Whispered Ron.

"No." I glared.

"Awww come on it'll be fun." Ron pushed.

"I said no." I half-shouted.

"Can you not understand the word no Ronald?" Hermione spat.

Ron just glared at us.

"That is the end of the class today, Miss Potter please stay behind as I need to speak to you." Professor McGonagall called as everyone was packing up.

"We'll save you a seat at the lunch table." Neville called as he walked out with Hermione.

I grinned back at them before strutting over to Professor McGonagall's desk. Was she going to punish me for my amazing prank?

"What did you want Minnie mouse?" I grinned.

"You looked exactly like your father for a second." McGonagall chuckled.

"I shall take that as a compliment even though I look a lot hotter than my father." I smirked.

McGonagall rolled her eyes, "I wanted to let you know that you will need a date to the ball as champion's have to open the ball with a dance."

Oh no. Dancing in front of over a thousand students this would be a nightmare.

"You're telling me, I have to go to the ball...with a boy!" I gasped in mock horror.

"Potter you aren't going to fall me, I am perfectly capable of knowing that you want to go with Mr Diggory." Minnie smirked.

I blushed bright red then laughed "you would be correct Minnie mouse."

McGonagall glared at me; I grinned at her before skipping out of the classroom. I bumped into Malfoy who, when he saw me, blushed and tried to avoid eye contact with me. I smirked - even though I am Harry Potter, he can't help but have a crush on me. I don't blame him, I look amazing.

"Hello Draco Darling." I simpered.

"Potter." He sneered.

"Did you hear about the ball?" I asked sweetly.

He nodded, still sneering at me.

I take gasped, "you've come to ask me to the ball?"

"No!" He shouted, horrified.

"Awww even after everything we've been through together, I'm hurt. Oh well I suppose it save you the rejection as I am in my way to ask someone. Don't take this too hard." I smirked (trying not to laugh).

Draco wretched "I'd never go with you."

"It's ok, everyone handles rejection differently, toodles." I skipped away leaving Malfoy - who seemed to be doing a good impression of a goldfish - behind.

When I had walked down a flight of stairs I burst out in to laughter. Messing with Malfoy was the funniest thing ever - he always took it so personally so that made it even worse.

When I walked I to the hall, I was met by a swarm of boys.

"Harry will you go to the ball with me?"

"Harry, you and me at the ball?"

"Potter wanna go to the ball?"

I hate this - I almost prefer people staring at me because of my scare, these twats just want to grope a feel of my tits.

"I don't want to go with any of you." I stated.

"Oh come on Potter, go to the ball with me."

The boys were slowly getting closer and closer to me.

"Leave her alone." Someone shouted.

A furious Cedric Diggory stormed over. My heart fluttered in my chest.

"If she says no, guess what dipshits, the answer is no." He glowered.

The boys fled as though they were deer approached by a predator. I turned around and faced Cedric. "Thank you Ced." I whispered.

Cedric wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. "It's no problem Harry, I do have something to ask you though."

"What is it?" I whispered.

Cedric pulled out a white rose from behind his back then asked, "Will you go to the ball with me?"

I gasped, then nodded. Cedric grinned down at me before carefully tucking the rose behind my ear. I blushed as red as my hair but shyly grinned up at Cedric.

"May I kiss you?" He whispered.

I didn't say anything, instead I pulled him down by his tie and gently planted my lips on his. Cedric put his hands on my waist as we continued to kiss.

When we broke apart, the whole hall burst into applause. I grinned, my cheeks red but happier than ever.

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