Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning and found that there was a letter sat on my bedside table. I snatched it up then carefully tore open the envelope.

"Dear Miss Potter,
I have been informed that you have just become aware about the situation with Lord Black. I request a meeting with you, my grandson, Mr Lupin and Lord Black today at 10am. I have gotten permission from the headmaster so I will be expecting you to floo to Longbottom estate. Please don't be tardy.
Dowager Augusta Longbottom
P.S. tell me more about the prank you pulled on the ministry"

I stared at the letter before setting it aside. It all seemed very formal and despite all my lessons with Daphne, Susan and Neville, I still had only a very vague understanding of how I was supposed to behave.

Since it was a Saturday, many people wouldn't be up until quite late so I decided to get ready early and grab some breakfast before it got too busy.

One hour later (including half an hour of stressing about what to wear), I walked into the great hall and sat down next to Neville.

"Hey Neville." I grinned as I grabbed a couple slices of toast.

"Hey Harry, you're looking very pretty." Neville smiled.

"Thank you brother. I wasn't sure what to wear as we're going to a meeting with your grandmother today." I laughed.

"Ah so she told you, that's good." Neville stated.

"Is what I'm wearing alright?" I asked shyly.

"Yes you look great." Neville responded, giving me a one armed hug.

I grinned then ate some of my toast. After a moment of quiet eating I asked "so what's your grandmother like?"

Neville swallowed his bacon before he answered my question.

"I suppose she's kind of like professor McGonagall. She's quite stern and very formal however she does have a soft spot for you and your parents, as well as snuffles and Remus."

I nodded then asked "shall we get going, we don't want to be late?"

After Neville downed his pumpkin juice, we got up and walked to my room. The hall has just begun to fill up so I was grateful to leave before I got ambushed by a bunch of creeps. I spotted Cedric who was sat at the Hufflepuff table and I waved to him. He grinned back at me which made me blush slightly.

"Do you want to want to go through first or shall I?" Neville asked, gesturing towards the fireplace.

"You go, I am awful at flooing so it's best if you go first." I stated.

I knew what would happen - I would most likely land on my arse. I suppose it's not my fault given that I've only used the floo network 3 or 4 times max.

Neville nodded then stepped into the grate and after throwing down the power he shouted "Longbottom estate."

With a whirl of emerald flames, Neville was taken to his house. I walked over to the floo powder and grabbed a pinch. As I stepped into the flames, I threw it down and tried not to breath in the smoke as I shouted "Longbottom estate."

A sick dizzying feeling ran through my stomach as I was span around in the fire place. Eventually the spinning came to a stop and I fell out of the grate at Longbottom estate. I would have landed head first on the floor however I luckily someone caught me.

"Careful Harry." Neville laughed.

"I hate floo travel. Thanks for catching me Nev." I grumbled.

Neville helped me steady myself before I turned to face the other person in the room. Brushing off the soot from my robe I smiled "Good morning Dowager Longbottom, I apologise for my...unladylike arrival however I have not used the floo often. A problem that has developed because of my muggle upbringing."

Augusta Longbottom was just like Neville said - an exact copy of Professor McGonagall. Her deep blue robes and immaculate hair radiated an air of formality. She was definitely the type of person you wouldn't want to get in the wrong side of.

"That is quite alright Miss Potter, please call me Augusta." She smiled.

Neville gasped "Gran's smiling."

Augusta rolled her eyes and I shot her my trademark grin "Call me Harry."

Augusta smiled fondly "you look like your father when you do that."

I laughed "oh, do I? I didn't realise my dad was drop dead gorgeous."

Neville laughed loudly and Augusta chuckled "you really are quite something Harry."

I grinned then my attention was drawn to the fireplace flaring again. Unlike me, the person stepped out with grace and dignity. It was Sirius.

"GUS GUS!" He shouted "great to see you again."

Neville and I roared with laughter.

"How very formal of you Lord Black." Augusta stated.

"Lord Black my arse, call me Sirius." My godfather grinned.

Despite her formality, August laughed "glad to see you haven't changed," before walking forward and giving Sirius a quick hug.

"So Harry, do I need to give you any more lessons about...boys." Sirius smirked at me.

"Sirius Black I swear to god I will murder you." I screamed.

Roaring with laughter, Sirius ran towards me and lifted me up, pulling me into a hug.

"Love you too Pup." He grinned.

"Put me down you arse." I laughed.

As Sirius put me down, the fireplace turned green once more and Remus stepped out.
His hair looked slightly disheveled and...

"Mr Lupin is that a hickey on your neck?" Asked Augusta amusedly.

Remus blushed a deep shade of red, "Sirius Black I swear to god I will murder you."

Neville laughed loudly "like uncle like neice."

Sirius smirked over at his fiancé and I groaned "right now that we have learned that my Uncles can't keep it in their pants, can we get on with what this meeting is actually supposed to be about?"

Augusta nooded, a twinkle in her eyes.

The prankOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora