Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

By dinner, everyone knew that I, Harry Potter the boy who lived, had changed into a girl. As I ate my dinner, all I could hear were whispered conversations.

"did you see what Potter looks like?"

"Did you see his tits?"

"Why on earth would he choose to be a girl?"

I was getting sick of it. Thankfully Hermione struck up a conversation "have you heard from snuffles lately Harry?"

"I sent him a letter last night but I've not heard ba-" I cut off my response at the sight of Hedwig swooping down towards me.

"Well it looks like your response is here," Hermione laughed.

Hedwig landed on my shoulder and dropped the letters that she had clutched in her mouth. I gave her a piece of fat from my steak that she happily munched on and stroked her head gently before letting her fly off, dipping her beak in my pumpkin juice as she left.

I opened the first letter which turned out to be from Sirius and read the short note.

Sounds serious I'll be there.
P.S. can't wait to see what you did"

He called me son. Despite the change in circumstances it still made me go fuzzy on the inside. He really cares about me, something I am not used to.

I opened the second letter and found a response from Remus.

I'll be there, you are definitely in a tough situation and I will do all I can to help you.
Uncle Remus
P.S. I don't know whether I'm scared or excited to find out what you did."

I chuckled then dug into my delicious dinner of steak and chips. It was mouthwatering.

As I finished my meal, I took a sip of pumpkin juice however what someone behind me said made me choke on it "so do you reckon Potter likes girls or guys,"

I began coughing so hard, Hermione had to thump me on the back rather hard. When I had recovered I glared over at the person who had spoke. His name was Ernie McMillan.

I stood up as he turned towards me so I spat "I see you are struggling to mind your own business. Well here's some advice, keep your mouth shut before I kick you somewhere that no one has ever touched before."

"Or what" he sneered.

I walked over to him and kicked him in the nuts. "Oh look it's the first time a girl has touched you in your little special place," I smiled before walking back to my spot at the table and pulling a plate of sticky toffee pudding and ice cream towards me.

Hermione gave me a quick hug and whispered "atta girl, that was very impressive although violence is never the answer."

"Draco Malfoy," I whispered back.

"Touché," she responded with a grin.

I dug in happily to my desert thinking about the fact that I would see Sirius and Remus in just under 5 hours.

I got up, as I had finished my desert and I really needed to write an essay for transfiguration. I walked out of the great hall and as I was ascending the stairs I heard someone calling my name.

"Harry, Harry, Harry."

It was Cedric. As I caught sight of him something inside of my chest felt tight. When I was a bloke, I never saw what girls liked about him but now...

I looked up at him and asked "hey Cedric what did you want?"

"Hey Har-" he started before letting out a low whistle.

"Wow you look extremely pretty," he smiled slightly stunned.

"If you're here to stare at my tits you can do it without talking to me," I stated irritably.

"No no no, I came to apologize. I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said that you didn't enter the goblet of fire and I'm sorry about how boys have been treating you since your change, I was wondering if we could start over as I'd love to be friends." He responded calmly with a slight smile.

My heart melted at his sweet words.

"Thank you for your apologies, they mean the world to me, it was very kind of you." I babbled.

He grinned a charming smile then held out his hand to me "Cedric Diggory, what an honour it is to make your acquaintance."

I took his hand and he brushed his lips against my knuckles. Unlike when Malfoy did it, it didn't make me feel as though I was going to puke - in fact it made me feel...giddy.

I giggled then responded "Charmed. Harry Potter, the honour is mine."

I looked into his beautiful stormy grey eyes and grinning before we both began to laugh.

"I had better go, I have an essay to write but I'll see you around." I smiled.

"Yeah see you around, if you ever need help just send me a note." He responded smiling.

I turned and walked up the stairs screaming internally. It was at that moment I realised that I had a crush on Cedric Diggory and that I had just flirted with someone for real for the first time. And unless I am very much mistaken he was flirting back at me.

I skipped my way to my dorm grinning madly.

When I entered my room, I sat down at my desk and got cracking with my transfiguration essay.

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