Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

As I entered Dumbledore's office whispering with Remus, Sirius began bounding all over the place. Remus and I giggled, Dumbledore smiles slightly however Snape glared.

As the door shut behind me, Sirius tilted his head towards Dumbledore before changing back into his human form.

"Sirius!" I exclaimed.

I leaped into his arms and hugged him. I may have seen him yesterday but between now and then I had rode on a dragon.

"Harry you were brilliant out there, I can't believe you rode on the back of a dragon. Your father would be so proud of you." Sirius grinned hugging me tightly.

"Potter would be more happy that Potter rode a dragon rather than the fact that he survived the first task," Snape sneered.

I let go at Sirius and pulled out my wand.

"Say one more thing about my dad and you will be in trouble. You're just a petty man who hates the fact that my father married my mum. Yes my father was unpleasant towards you however HE SAVED YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Get over yourself." I shouted furiously.

Snape cowered slightly and I walked back over to Sirius and hugged him, tears pouring down my cheeks. It wasn't fair how a man who hated my dad so much got to spend more time with him than I did.

"Watch your mouth Snivillus," Sirius glared.

"Black you do realise that you are a wanted man, I could have you thrown back in Azkaban." Snape Sneered.

"Actually you couldn't." Sirius and I said at the same time.

I sniffed then turned around to face Snape and Dumbledore.

"Oh yeah and why is that Black, Potter?" Snape asked, failing to hide his Curiosity.

"Actually it's Lord Black," Sirius smirked.

Snape stared, realisation dawning over him.

"And I am Lady Potter so I'd watch your tongue, given that I could get you thrown out of the school."

"Lady Potter?" Dumbledore asked.

"And how could you get me through out of the school LADY Potter, you don't have that much power." Snape Sneered.

"I beg to differ considering I am the last living descendant of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin." I smirked.

"How did you find out?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well Sirius, Neville, Susan Bones and Daphne Greengrass have been teaching me about politics which you failed to do. And I was told about being the heir to two by the dragon I rode when she christened me with the title of Dragon friend." I glared at Dumbledore as I spoke.

"Dr-dr-dragon friend?" Dumbledore asked.

I nodded and Snape gaped at me. Remus looked at me in awe and Sirius looked at me with pride.

"Unless my ears deceived me did I just hear that a Potter is the last surviving heir of two Hogwarts founders, including the great Salazar Slytherin?" A portrait asked snidely.

"You did indeed hear correctly, Mr..." I looked at the portrait and read the name that was enscribed into the frame 'Phineas Nigellous Black', "Professor Black," I finished shocked.

"Oh hello dear great grandfather." Sirius commented.

"My my, it's the voice of my Great grandson. The last I heard of you, you were in prison."
The portrait stated.

"Well the ministry put the Lord Black in prison without a trial. I supposedly caused the deaths of James and Lily Potter." Sirius growled.


Snape looked as though he had swallowed a lemon. I stated at him and somehow a memory formed in my head. It was Snape and Peter Pettigrew listening at a door.

My blood began to boil. I was beyond furious.

"You knew." I hissed at him.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Snape responded coolly.

"You knew Peter Pettigrew was a death eater, I saw it. You were with him listening at a door. You knew that he betrayed my parents and didn't say anything for years. Because of you, my parents died. Because of you an innocent man spent a third of his life in prison. You disgust me." I spat.

Dumbledore looked as though he was about to say something to me however he stopped at the sight of me. Raw magic was radiating of me in fury. An invisible wind made my hair and robe billow and my fingers began to tingle.

Then I snapped.

A bright gold light burst out of my fingers and I screamed in rage, desperate to hurt the man who caused me so much pain.

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