Chapter 23

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Tanjiro watch as the unknown vehicles appeared everywhere as bulkhead spoke through the coms in confusion. ": feeling a little co stricted without  using my fist here boss:" Jazz move his rear mirror to look at the green vehicles behind him. ":which something tells me this seems to be. . . Off prime.:" Jazz pointed out as tanjiro grip bery tightly at his sword. "Remain in vehicular mode unless absolutely necessary." Optimus pointed out as Tanjiro watch one of the vehicle move forward and was now driving infront of bulkhead and Jazz. "A whole team of cons?" Agent fowler asked while keeping his gaze on the road." I do not think so." Tanjiro pointed out as he look out at the window.

":tanjiro is correct. Im not picking up anything. They must be utilizing a cloaking technology:" ratchet said through the coms." No! Its-" tanjiro yelp when the vehicle rams against optimus." Humans!" Tanjiro finished as someone appeared out of the roof of the vehicle and start shooting. ":seriously!? Here i thought we'll be fighting the cons but humans?!:" Sideswipe asked as he tried to drove over the cars that was trying to go passed him.

":Something doesn't feel right. Why those humans doing here??:" Jazz pointed out as he drove passed one of the vehicles. "pull over!" yelled one of the intruders, holding out a gun towards to Tanjiro and Agent Fowler." Well, I'll be dipped!" Agent Fowler said before Tanjiro just nab the intruder away using his sword holder, causing the intruder to lose balance and fall off the car, making him wince. "Sorry." He apologize to that.

Our assailants are not Decepticons. . . .they are human" Optimus said with a frown on his voice as Ratchet, who look surprise and disbelief at what he just heard.": A human?!:" he yelled through the comms. ":Ya doc bot, arent ya listening??:" said Cliffjumper making Ratchet growls at him. ":dont call me doc!:"

"How about you all stop shouting and focus on whats going on already?!" tanjiro yelled at them before yelping when the car just ram against Optimus, who let out a grunt before keeping himself straight.

Meanwhile, at the unknown helicopter, that was following behind from above, a man with a scar on his face gave a stern look on his face before speaking," Gentlemen, stop their engines." he said as he ordered his men to do it.

Back to the road, Tanjiro hold on tight when Optimus rammed against the car stopping the intruder from shooting before he drove forward." Who are these guys?!" Agent Fowler asked as he look over to the window to look at. "autobots, maintain your cover." Optimus ordered the others." And Apply minimal force disarmament only." he added as Tanjiro peek out through the window as he watch move cars appearing.

"Why do they coming from??" murmured Tanjiro with a frown on his face. Before he hears a helicopter blade noise making him look and saw someone was following them from above. Then one of the car drove over and the intruder was ready to shoot before Jazz rear back and hit the car, to stop him shooting.

He was about to shoot again before Jaz gave another pushed, sending the car to lose control and lose it balance as it crashed and rolled on the road.

Back at the helicopter, The man stared at the tracker with a frown on his face as he notice something was off. "Those are not civilian drivers." he pointed out.

Back to them as optimus start  to take tight turns making Tanjiro hold on tight so he will not fall out of the window. Agent fowler looks like he was about to puke his food out making Tanjiro rear away from him to avoid getting puke on. "Could use some air." murmured Agent Fowler as he looks a little bit dizzy after taking tight turns. Which Optimus lower the window for both of them as Agent fowler let out a relief sigh as he peek his head out. While tanjiro let out a sigh of relief as the wind hit his face.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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