Chapter 17

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As everyone follow ratchet, they were greeted by a pod, that Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Jazz brought fro m the artic zone. Tanjiro frown as he could smell the same scent that he caught as he stared at very large gaping hole of the pod." It's a trap." Ratchet said with a frown while pointing his torch at the large gaping hole of the pod." A scraplet trap." Jazz finished with a frown on his faceplate." Uh, an Empty scraplet trap!" Bulkhead pointed out in fear as he stared at the empty pod.

"Most likely ejected into space eons ago." Jazz pointed out with a frown on his faceplate." Only to wind up in the arctic where temperature kept them in statis." Ratchet pointed out with a frown on his faceplate." Until we brought the thaw." Jack added with a frown as he walk forward and stared at the empty scraplet trap." They are now wide awake. Hungry and resdy to brunch." Tanjiro said with a frown on his face." So. . . How many are we talking about?" Raf asked as he looks up at the bots.

"Thousands." Ratchet answered as he turn off his torch off as he turns his attention to them." And power malfunction and ground bridge damage." Ratchet began to list off as he start to frown even more." Are sure signs that their infestation is well underway." Ratchet said as Cliffjumper began to noticing something or someone is missing." Hey, have anyone seen nezuko?"


Meanwhile, at the arctic.

Nezuko blink through the harsh wind from the blizzard, squinting her eyes as she looks around. Trying to find Optimus and Arcee around the blizzard storm before she caught the familiar scent, making her rushed towards the cliff side, stopping at the edge. Kneeling down as she peek her head over, spotting Optimus, climbing down the ice, searching through the device he was hold. She frown when she saw Optimus' symbol start blinking blue, before spotting arcee, who was carefully moving while searching.

She couldn't hear what they were saying but she pretty sure that they are trying to contact the base for ground bridge. Then her eyes went wide when Arcee slip and fall off the cliff side." Arcee!" Optimus yelled out as Arcee gasp in surorise and horror as she fall, but surprisingly, something or someone grabbed a hold of her servo. Arcee blink before looking up to who caught her before her optics went wide." Nezuko?!" Arcee yelled in shock and disbelief as Nezuko grunted as she struggled to pulled Arcee up, before Optimus came after climbing up and help her pulled Arcee back. Once Arcee was back in her pedes, she kneels down in front of nezuko and start shaking her furiously.

"What are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here! You'll get cold! Or worst, died at extreme cold!" Arcee yelled out in worried as Nezuko have dot expression on her face as Arcee shook her furiously." Arcee, i suggest you shouldn't do that to nezuko." Optimus said calmly as he place his servo on Arcee's shoulder plate, stopping her from shaking Nezuko furiously before he turns his attention to Nezuko." Nezuko, i agree to Arcee's words. You shouldn't be here with us. Its dangerous." Optimus said to her as Nezuko let out a huff noise before pouting at them. Making some muffled noise that she was trying to tell them 'she rather die than seeing them frozen to death.' Which none of them understand what she was saying but they couldn't help it but smile softly at her.

"Now the question is. . . . How are we able to get back to the base?" Arcee asked as she stood up and looks at Optimus, who frown before looking ahead of him.


Back to the base,

"Ratchet to Optimus and Arcee! Do you read me?!" Ratchet yelled while narrowing his optics at the monitor screen." How did she able to follow them without us even noticing!?" Tanjiro watch them panic with a sweat drop as they all panic about Nezuko, being at the arctic. However, he couldn't help it but worried about Optimus and Arcee, knowing that they couldn't survive at the harsh winter there." We have a situation!" Ratchet called again as all he got was static noise making him sigh in annoyance before looking at the others." The scraplets have gotten into the comlink system." He said that made Tanjiro frown at that even more.

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