Chapter 24 | Sabrina

Start from the beginning

"Are you feeling better? Now that Sabrina is better?" Caleb asked me that every day ever since the accident. Are hands intertwined and we started walking the halls.

"Yes. I'm definitely feeling better. How about a date after school tomorrow?"

"I'm up for that. Only if you do me one favor."

"What is it?"

"Kiss me."

"Hmmm." I pretend to think about it. "How can I say no?" I give him a long, sweet kiss. The warning bell starts to ring, our cue to get going.

"Oh darn. Guess we'll have to pick up later." We're both smiling like idiots. But he's my idiot.

*Winter Formal Dance

We were at the dance. I honestly wasn't thinking of going since Sabrina was in a coma. But now that she is awake I'm back to normal. Almost. There is still a death that I might not fully recover from. Sabrina was asked by John, whom she went on a date with once, to the dance.

Blank Space by Taylor Swift was currently playing and Sabrina and I, among other people, were singing loudly without a care that we were off-key.

"So it's gonna be forever. Or it's gonna go down in flames. You can tell me when it's over. If the high was worth the pain. Got a long list of ex-lovers. They'll tell you I'm insane. 'Cause you know I love the players and you love the game!"

We laughed and we smiled. "You're actually pretty good, Sabrina," John says.

"Sure. You're just saying that because I'm your date."

"And because it's the truth." I didn't recognize the next song that played but it was a slow song. "Hey, I know this song."

"I love this song!" Sabrina says.

"If somebody says that they hate they song, I'll scream." Caleb says. "I'm not a big fan of Mean Girls."

"What! How have I not known this about you?" I say surprised.

"Let's just dance!" Sabrina pulls John to the dance floor.

"Shall we?" Caleb asks.

"We shall." Many couple are already dancing. Some have their heads on the boyfriends shoulder while other, you can tell it's their first date from the awkwardness. They have their distance while dancing unlike others. I put my hand around his neck and start dancing to the rhythm. This reminds me of homecoming. Let's hope this dance turns out better than that one did.

After the slow song, a dancing one came on and I went to get Caleb and I some punch.

"Hi, Giselle."

Giselle looks up and is surprised to see me. "Hi." I pour juice into two cups. "Are you here with Caleb?" It was obvious she still likes him. I was going to tell her the truth this time.

"Yeah. We're official now."

"I see." She looks back down at the juice in her hands. "He likes you a lot, you know?"


"During class sometimes, when you're not looking, he looks at you. He gets this look in his eye. He is always just happy with you. He looks like he is in love." In love? Caleb? "When you were sad because Sabrina was in a coma, he was sad too. Not just because of Sabrina but because of you too," she says it all quickly.

"Hey, Pen." Caleb kisses me on my cheek and puts his hand around my shoulder. "Hey Giselle."

"Hey." She smiles at him and blushes. "I have to go to the bathroom." She walks away quickly before either of us can say anything.

"What was that about?" Caleb asks clueless.

"Nothing. Let's dance!" I gulp my drink and get back on the dance floor. Being pregnant and the accident taught me that you have to live life to the fullest. You'll never know when something happens and you no longer can do some of the things you wish to do. Sometimes your life changes in the blink of an eye.

"How would you like to go skydiving tomorrow? With Sabrina and John if they want to come along."

"Skydiving? Did I hear you right? That's scary."

"That's the point. Let's do a bucket list and do everything on it. Let's travel the world after we graduate from college. Let's go bungee jumping. Let's do everything while we can."

He considers it."Yeah. Let's do it."


"Why, oh, why did I agree to do this!" Sabrina complains. We're 9,000 feet in the air and are about to jump out at any second.

"Because we agreed that we would do crazy things while we still can."

"If I die, that's on you." An image of Sabrina in the car after we crashed flashes across my mind. I quickly shake the thought away.

"Okay. But if you love it you give me fifty dollars."

"Deal." We shake hands.

"What about us?" Caleb asks. "Our lives are on the line too."

"You guys get a kiss from your girlfriends." Sabrina says. John asked Sabrina to be his girlfriend after the Winter Formal. Josh gives Sabrina a peck on the lips.

"You guys won't die. We're professional." Since we've never gone skydiving before, were strapped to professionals. The pilot gives us a thumbs up. The door opens and suddenly I know what it's for.

"You're right we're going to die!" I yell after I look at the ground from the plane.

"On the count of three," Ronald, one of the instructors says.



"If I die I want you guys to tell my family I love them." Sabrina dramatically says.

"Three." Screams are instantly heard. I closed my eyes while we were jumping off. Once I opened my eyes, everything looks beautiful. You could probably see the whole city from here. We start to descend slowly. I'm guessing the pulled the cord thingy.

Once we're on the ground, they unstrap us.

"That was so awesome!" Sabrina says. Sabrina realizes she now owes me and pretends to change her mind. "I mean I hated. It was awful, I do not owe you fifty dollars." She has her arms crossed.

"Pay up sista! And as for you, Caleb." I kiss him on the lips. My heart flutters again and I feel my heart flying out of my chest. It just feels natural. Like our lips were made for each other. This is going to be fun.

Yay! Sabrina woke up! I was debating whether to make her not wake up but I couldn't do it! I'm a coward and I love Sabrina way too much for that. The next chapter is going to be the epilogue! So the next chapter will be the final chapter!! I'm so sad to see this come to an end. My very first book. *wipes off fake tear*

•Are you guys happy that Sabrina woke up?
•What do you guys think of Sabrina and John. (Jabrina? Sohn? I think Jabrina is better for ship name.) do you guys like them together?
•How about Giselle? What do you think of her character? I know she wasn't really developed and she only came out in about 4 chapters


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