Chapter 14 | Morning Sickness

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AN: I'm not to good at author's note but I'd like to thank you all for 600 reads! Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I love you all.

"So they called the police? Did they actually say that you were raped and the police were waiting for you to confirm it or did your parents say that something has happened to you?"

Sabrina and I are sitting on her bed. "I don't know. I panicked. I guess I didn't want to tell the police out of fear. I don know."

Sabrina responds, "Well, you are always welcome to stay with me."

"Thank you."

On Monday morning at school I'm with Sabrina when Caleb walks up to us. "Did you guys hear the rumor?"

"What rumor?" I ask.

"There is a rumor going around that a girl got pregnant during the party that was thrown before school started. Nobody knows who it is. At least I don't think so."

I groan. Great. Now the school knows. They don't exactly know it was me, but they'll soon find out. "How did they know?" For a minute a think of someone. "Did you tell them, Caleb?"

"What? Of course not. Why would I?"

"I don't know." I cool off after I realize he wouldn't do such a thing. "I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't do that."

Sabrina then says, "Nobody knows it's you so, don't act suspicious or anyth-" She stops mid-sentence and stares at me with concern. "Are you okay, Pen?"

I feel sick. Like a volcano is about to erupt inside of me. I run to the bathroom and throw up. Sabrina follows me but Caleb stops at the door. Sabrina holds my hair as I puke. Sabrina says with a disgusted face, "It stinks."

"Did you except it to smell like flowers?"

"I guess the mood swings from the pregnancy are kicking in."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude."

"Nah. There is going to be a lot of bitchy moments. More often than once a month now. Going to have to get used to it."

"I apologize and advance for when I become bitchy."

We come out of the bathroom when the bell rings. Caleb is still waiting for me. "Hey, are you okay." I can see by his face expressions he truly is concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Here have a breathe mint," says Caleb. "Your breathe stinks from puking. Gotta get class. See ya."

I put the breathe mint in my mouth and see him jog away. More like staring. He is looks so good, even when he is jogging.

"Hello! Earth to Penelope." Sabrina waves her hand in front of my face and I snap out of daydreaming about Caleb. "You're staring." Sabrina says it with a smile like she knows something. "You're so into him."


We walk class with the breathe mint in my mouth as a reminder that symptoms will eventually start to show and everyone will know it was me who got pregnant.

One Night Stand = PregnantWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt