Chapter 16 | Bowling

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AN: Thank you guys so so so so so so much for 700 reads!! 700 reads? Wow. I would have never thought i would get so many reads. I've decided on a cast to play the characters on my book. :) Penelope on the side. I hope you like the cast I picked out. Also I'm writing a new book called The Distance Between Us. Go check it out. Okay to the story!

The last bell of the day rings and I'm about to head off when the teacher stops me. "Miss Penelope, can you start behind please." I stop at the door. I make eye contact with Sabrina saying to go on without me.

"You're grades have decreased a lot. It's not like you. You have a C in this class." I've been getting distracted a lot that it's now affecting my class. "You may leave now. I hope to see improvement."

The school day is finally over. Sabrina and I are heading towards the main entrance when I hear a group of girls talking.

"Did you hear that a girl had drunk sex at a party and got pregnant?"

"I heard that she didn't even know who it was with."

"Who do you guys think it was with?"

"Probably some slut."

Sabrina pushes me along. "Lets go. Don't listen to them." Probably some slut. Slut. That is what people will think about me once they find out it was me.

Caleb is waiting on the steps for us with the guy from earlier. The corners of his mouth lifts as soon as he sees me. "Hey, Penelope."

"Hello, Penelope." The guy whose name I don't know waves.

"This is my best friend, Marcus"

"We've met before," Marcus says with a grin.

"Yeah. In the hallway," I say.

Marcus looks at me with a confused look. "Right. In the hallway." He says like he isn't sure.

"How about we go bowling or something?" Sabrina suggests. "We don't have anything going on after school, right?" She looks at Caleb and Marcus since she already knows me. They shake their heads. "Great! Bowling it is!"


We arrive at the bowling place. Me and Sabrina are in a team against Caleb and Marcus.

Marcus says, "Not to brag or anything but I'm pretty good at this. So don't cry when you lose."

"Don't underestimate us," Sabrina doesn't like lose.

Sabrina bowls first and knocks out 4 of her pins. She then knocks out only 5 pins, missing one. On my turn I don't but any. "I'm sorry, Bri. I'm so bad at this."

"Don't stress over it. It's just a game."

Caleb gets up from the couches near the lane and says, "Let me show you."

"Dude!" Marcus exclaims. "Don't help the opposing team!"

"Chill man. Just going to show her how to do it. I'm not actually going to do it." He walks towards me. "First lets get you a lighter ball that you'll have more control over." He hands me a lighter ball and takes the one I was holding away. His hand briefly touches my hand and it felt like electricity soaring through me. "Start swinging as you're going towards the line thing. When you swing, don't throw it up. Sort of like, glide it in the floor? If that makes any sense."

I do as he tells me and knock out at 4 pins.

"Yay!" Sabrina cheers for me and so does Caleb. After we've gone bowling he takes us home.

I'm in my bedroom with Sabrina. "You're so lucky. I mean love wise."

"How am I lucky in any way?" I ask her. There is no way the odds are in my favor since I'm pregnant.

"I can see the way you looked at Caleb. The way Caleb looked at you. I wish I had that," she says throwing her self on the bed.

I stay up all night thinking about what she said. I just might have a chance with him after all.

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