Chapter 23 | Crashed

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I don't think I've said anything but the picture is the person who plays Sabrina! Britt Robertson.

The light turns green. As we are in the center of the intersection and I hear somebody scream. "Watch out!" I hear tires screeching and hear a huge Crash! Just as everything turns black.


I hear sirens and a lot of chatter. I can barely open my eyes. My head hurts and my arm burns. I feel my leg broken and my stomach in pain. I let my eyes adjust to my surroundings. We're upside down inside the car. The windows are shattered and there is blood. Blood everywhere. Everything comes back to me at once. We crashed. We actually crashed.

I stare at my arm and see that a huge piece of glass is in my arm. I have scratches everywhere. Wait. Sabrina and Caleb! They baby! Oh my gosh. There is no way the baby survived this. Tears start in my eyes. I have to get out of here. "Sabrina! Sabrina, wake up!" I shake her but no response. She is in an even worse condition. Her head is bleeding and is sure to have brain damage. Her leg and arm look dislocated and is bleeding much more than I am.

"Hello? Is somebody alive in there?" A strange voice I don't recognize speaks.

"Caleb! Caleb, please wake up! Don't leave me." I plead. "Sabrina!"

"Miss, we will get you out." I have tearing going down my cheeks that I didn't even know I had. Before I can protest to get them out first, I drift off again.


I wake up again in a car. It's moving and I hear sirens once again. There are medical supplies everywhere with doctors.

"She's awake." I hear someone say.

"Where's Caleb? And Sabrina?" They're barely a whisper so I doubt anybody heard me. That's all I can say before I drift off again.





When I awake again I'm lying on a bed. The walls are white, and goosebumps are all over my hands. I wrap the blanket so it covers me more. This room has a weird smell, too. To my left I see my dad asleep and my mom reading a magazine. She looks stressed and worried. "Mom?" She immediately looks up. "Dad?"

"Oh honey, you're awake! George, wake up!" That sounds familiar. Where have I heard it before?

My dad wakes up and sees me awake and runs over to me. "Penelope, sweetheart? Are you okay? Do you feel comfortable?" My right arm and left leg are in a cast.

"What happened?" I ask. Why am I here? How did I end up here?

"Do you don't remember?" My dad asks. I shake my head. My parents look at each other. There face are filled with sadness. There is silence for a long time.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on!"

"You go in a car crash, honey," my mom doesn't look at me when she says it. "You, Sabrina and Caleb were out celebrating when a car crashed into you."

"That baby didn't survive." I don't know who says that last part, but my eyes turn into Niagara Falls. They let the words hang in the air. What was supposed to be my first born child is dead. I should probably be relieved that I won't be a teen mom anymore but I'm not. I'm anything but relieved. It's dead. The baby is dead. "The other driver didn't survive either."

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