Chapter 21 | Josh

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Recap: Penelope got pregnant at a party and found out that the father is Marcus. Amanda told the whole school during homecoming that Penelope was the girl who got knocked up and doesn't know who the father is. Sabrina took Penelope shopping to try to cheer her up.

Also not sure if I've said but the person in the picture is the person who plays Josh.

After I cried on Sabrina we went shopping for maternity clothing. I hated that you had to buy a whole new wardrobe that you'd only wear for nine months. Then again, I have some clothes I've never even worn.

There is a store at the mall that sold specifically maternity clothes. As I entered the clothing store, a woman shopping there gave me a weird look. She could obviously tell I was still in high school. She glanced down at my belly and then looked away when I caught her staring. It was beginning to grow bigger and bigger and I wouldn't be able to hide in baggy sweaters anymore.

"Oooo!" How 'bout this one?" Sabrina suggested. She took a shirt out of the rack and showed it to me.

"That's the most hideous thing I've ever seen."

"I thought it was nice," Sabrina says a bit hurt. She puts it back and begins searching again.

I had tried on a bunch of clothing and ended up buying less than half of what I tried on.

"How do people even handle changing in and out of clothes?" I wondered. "I got tired within the first three changes." We were at a table at the food court. We were starving and hurried over here. I was starving anyways. I bit into my burger and said, "I could eat a cow!"

"Technically, you are eating a cow. Oh no." She glanced at something behind me and put her head down.


"Don't look!"

But it was too late. I had turned only to see Amanda with her friends. She had just ordered a salad because apparently she couldn't be caught dead eating something as disgusting as an hamburger.

As she looks for a place to sit, her eyes meet mine and she smirks. I try to turn around and hope she didn't see me, but I'm unsuccessful. She is already standing beside me.

"Oh! Hey, Pregnelope!" She and her friends laughed at that. Her gaze lands on the bag from where we just shopped. "Getting a little big, are we now? Having to buy special clothing? Maybe Sabrina can borrow them since they seem to fit her perfectly." Her friends chuckle not so subtly. "How is Caleb holding up and that baby of yours? He isn't getting tired of you already is he?"

"He likes me. Didn't you hear him at the dance? He still chooses me and he will never choose you."

"We'll see about that." She faces Sabrina and begins talking. "You know, Bri, mind if I call you Bri?" She didn't wait for her to respond. "People are going to start talking about you too. Hanging out with the schools pregnant girl and people might think she is rubbing off on you. Wait. Penelope didn't rub off on you, did she!" She fakes a shocked face. "Oh my god, it's you who is the naughty one, Bri!"

"Wait till the school hear this," one of her minions say smugly. (Is smugly a word?) they turn around and walk always.

"Amanda, wait!" I yell after her, making her stop. I stand up slamming the table, making a few people stare.

She turns around. "No, Penelope. I don't have a condom. I don't go sleeping around. Isn't it a bit too late for that anyways?" She and her friends chuckle.

I grip my drink and march over to her.

"Penelope?" Sabrina nervously asks.

I take the lid off and pour all of its contents on her. I hear a few gasps and her friends by her side take a step back. I drop the cup on the ground once it's empty.

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