Chapter 11 | He Knows

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It's the day of the fair and I'm wearing a white sundress since it's supposed to by warm out today. I look at myself through the long mirror to make sure I look okay. I look at myself head to toe when I stop at my stomach. I put my hands on my stomach. It's not going to be long until I start to show. Then the judging and criticizing will start.

"Penelope! Caleb is here," mom calls from downstairs. I check my makeup, grab my handbag with a long strap and head downstairs. He is wearing dark blue jeans and a collared plaid shirt. I stare at him for too long. His hear looks so perfect. He looks good in those clothes.

No stop! I tell myself. I won't fall for him.

Mom says happily while I walk towards the door, "Have fun on your date." I almost fall when she says that. To Caleb he says, "Bring her back by 10:00 pm."

"Will do." He closes the door behind him once were out the door. "You ready?"

"Yeah," I respond. Is this a date? I see Sabrina and her date, John in the back seat, talking and smiling. Is this a double date? He opens the passenger door for me and I get into the front seat. He closes the door and heads over to the driver seat.

Once we arrive at the fair we get food from a stand.

"You must have been really hungry to eat two hotdogs, Penelope," says John.

"Must have been," I say realizing that this is probably a symptom from the pregnancy.

"I think we should get on the Ferris wheel. You know, to let the food go down and we won't throw up," says Caleb.

The Ferris wheel only fits two people, so I go in with Caleb and Sabrina goes in with John. The ride still hasn't started since the rest still have to get off and others on. I turn to look at Caleb to talk to him when I find him staring at me with a smile.

I ask, "Do I have something at my face?"

"Sorry. I just... You're just really pretty."

I blush and I'm sure my whole face turned red as a beet. "Caleb-," I begin. But he interrupts me.

"I know. We can't be together. You don't like me like that. You just came out of a relationship and I respect that."

I look at him confused. "Caleb. I do like you. I like you a lot. It's just at the wrong time. It's like what they say, maybe you were meant to fall in love but not be together. And it's not that I just came out of a relationship. It's just...complicated."

He looks concerned. "Then what's the problem. Penelope, I really like you and I want to be with you."

I look away from him toward the fairgrounds and find that we're halfway up. "I can't, Caleb." We start arguing. Him asking for an explanation and me saying that I can't.

"But why?"

"I just can't."

"I've always liked you. I know that you like me at some point too."

How did he know that? "I'm sorry Caleb. I just can't."

"Why not?! We both like each other, and we're both single. What's the problem?"

Without realizing I blurt out, "Because I'm pregnant, Caleb!" I calm down and realize what I just said. He looks at me weirdly. Like I must be joking.

"What? Did you just say you're...pregnant?"

"Yes." I say quietly knowing that he will probably pity me and look at me like I did something wrong. A tear comes out and Caleb wipes it away.

"Don't cry." He says it in such a calming voice, like if what I just said isn't something that changes everything.

"Go ahead." I say, "Now how do you like me?"

"Josh got you pregnant? But you guys broke up."

"It wasn't him who got me pregnant. I don't know who it was. It was at the stupid party before school."

"You were raped?" I look at him shocked. I hadn't realized this. Was I?

One Night Stand = PregnantOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant