Chapter 1

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UPDATE 5/16/16 Guys I wrote this authors note like in 2013 please don't kill me

Hello beautiful ;)

Yes, yes you. The very person who decided to make my day by clicking on this crazy af fic.

Wow I'm a creep.

But I'm your creep :*

I hope you're all prepared for this shit cause I'm only gonna say this once.

This is a LARRY STYLINSON FIC. Meaning two guys involved romantically, so please respect this, I honestly feel as though hating is unnecessary :)

This fic WILL contain inappropriate content. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy! <3

xx xx xx

(Louis's POV)

The last moments or occurrences of such a cataclysmic situation should be more-or-less precious. The abundance of emotion spilling out like the blood of a fatal wound. But thats not how this desolate world works. Humorless when it comes to bliss yet vengeful when it comes to pain. Tactful in some cases, hopeless in others.

My end on the other hand, came through to a lurching feeling. It struck me hard and without mercy as I pleaded and cried for it to take its departure. I writhed in hurt. The blackness changing me from my lack of precaution. Maybe I let this all happen? When they yell at me on the outside I contemplate this thought. The ghosts of my inner turmoil screeching violently as they lodge deeper into my skin. "Louisssss..." They hiss with a snakelike vibrance, but the voice of who they once were thoroughly remains. And I desperately wished it didn't.

When I thought back to what happened, my mind goes blank with horrid emotion. 'Why do I bloody let this control me?' I silently screamed as I thought this, my mouth open with unspoken words. 'Where is my Harry when I need him?'

The many times I find myself thinking about him I get worse. I would claw and scratch on every surface near me. Animalistic screeches scratch against my throat as it reverberates out of my cracked lips. My eyes grow noticeably darker, and I look too far gone to manage with. Most people tend to stay away from me during these moments, the way my eyes seem to stare deep into their soul sets them off a bit. But in all honesty I have no intention of staring at them, no, I stare through them. Through them to the other side, somewhere I will never be.


My head begins to cloud as the rhythmic beating lurches my body in its spazmatic way. Snapping my head up my breathing becomes ragged and harsh as memories crash into me. Devouring me whole.

"I'll never, ever, leave you."

My head snapped up at the unseen voice that could be nothing more than a figment of my imagination, yet was so real that it seemed as though I could reach out and touch it. I knew that voice, and despised it greatly as my heart throbbed painfully in my chest.

"Damn it all you stupid pieces of shit!" I cursed loudly banging against the walls of the room. "I hate you!" I howled loudly. "When I get out of here I'll kill you all for ruining me!" I screamed loud and long, blaming others for my own faults. My fist slammed against the metallic door, and my own blood-curdling scream resonated throughout the room. I clutched my broken hand tightly and kept on slamming it against any surface I could find.

The doors to my room burst open suddenly, stunning me for a split second. Unknown arms pinned me down on the floor, while one man, who appeared to be a doctor by the looks, rummaged through a sleek black bag. Something covered my eyes so I couldn't see any further, and I tried my best to squirm and thrash under the arms that held me captive.

Dark Paradise (Larry Stylinson Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang