Chapter 4

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  • 点播给 My Trusted And Loving Laptop (This ones for you bby)

A/N: Sorry for the wait. Here’s my present for the lovely 100+ views I received. My darlings I thank you all! 

(Harry’s POV)

Cold sweat gathers across my aching forehead in which cloth-like material dabs at gently. What is this? Where am I?

Recalling my last memories up to this point, an image of a dream that could be nothing more than a figment of my imagination begins to deteriorate in my mind before I shove it back and hold it in place. I needed to know what the fuck is going on. Waking up for my mind to be trapped in such a dislocated state was not going to stand for me today. Not now, not ever.

Dazed flashes run across my mind and I do my best to pause one in order to gather pieces of the bigger picture. What’s left of my dream was very vague, as I tend to forget them often. All I remember was some pain of a sort, then limping down to.... was it a roundish building? Another image appears before me. No... it was a tunnel. Why on earth would I dream about something as childish as that?

Then it hits me.


I remember him clearly there, then again; he wasn’t. I was looking at an screen and on it was.... was....

Memories. Gorgeous memories that I had taken for granted all because I was wrapped up in my psychotic relationship with Caroline Flack. Oh how I wish I can reverse time. To be able to turn the clock to beseech my beneficial aspects.  

My feeling’s are warping me in this endless abyss of nightmares. I hate what he does to me. Just the thought that I-I had once been in his arms. I had taken everything for granted, and now he’s out of reach. He probably wouldn’t want me anyways. He’s into girls the last I checked. Although, thats something to be expected seeing him. How he acts and looks. How he sings. Everything about him I adore.

What I don’t get is how these feeling’s arose.

But when they did I denied it for as long as possible. The hours I spent with Louis were cherished, they were deeply special to me. But at the same time, I may have to admit I was pushing him away. Something that seems so effortlessly can become so painful. It was hard, seeing him hurt. Listening to him cry softly in his sleep because I was no longer there to comfort him. I had obtained a great distance from him in those last few weeks before the accident. Pushing him away from me tore at my heart, bit by bit.

The boys tried to figure out what was wrong between us, I denied all aspects and tried to act like my old self. It was just an impossibly impossible aspect to approach. No way could I have feelings for Louis. There was just no freaking way. Ever since the x-factor I had thought of him nothing more then a really good friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yet why does his face haunt my memories so? Should I move on and forget him? Shrug it all off as though nothing happened? Shit. I was stuck at a crossroads. Nothing more then an empty abyss with screams ricocheting throughout the darkness.

My eyes open wide suddenly as the jolt of how dark my thoughts turned awakened inside me. I scanned the scene to find myself on a tacky blue sofa, curled up in a ball with thin blankets draped over me. I slung my arm around myself and turned, facing a relieved Liam and a stoic faced Zayn.

“Glad your awake mate.” Liam announced, flinging a wet cloth into a nearby counter. Zayn nods in agreement and crosses his arms.

“Wh-where am I?” I reply, my eyes scanning the area. I took notice of the scent of hand sanitizer and numerous sofas and chairs placed about the room, all in that dastardly shade of blue. The cream painted walls made the color choice seem more outrageous, making me cringe in distaste. Windows near the walls facing in front of me gave me perfect view of the outside world, and seeing as I couldn’t see the lot or ground surface, we appeared to be in a multi-floored building. I could only see the faint outline of the outdoors, seeing as the darkness blinded me, but the building in which I reside thankfully had a good amount of lights turned on so I could see.

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