(22) IM DONE!!

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Two years later, 

"Hey James honey are you picking up the kids?" Winnie said as Bucky sat at the firehouse 

"No mom, I'm on call tonight so I'm staying at the fire house where is Maggie?" He said 

"Honey she dropped Zane off hours ago. I've had Zane since pre-k let out at noon and she had Whitley ride the bus here." Winnie said 

Bucky rolled his eyes, "Let me see if I can find her." He said 

He called Maggie when she answered the phone he could tell she was at a bar. 

"Where they hell are you?" He said 

"I'm out at O' Brien's with the girls. Why?" She said sounding tipsy. 

"Seriously! You dropped the kids on my parents to go bar hopping!!!" He barked into the phone. 

"Don't you yell at me!! I told you earlier that I would be going out tonight!!" She yelled into the phone. 

"And I told you that I was on call tonight and that meant I had to stay here!" He said 

"Look I have to go..the kids are fine bye love you." She said not realizing that he had hung up on her. 

Bucky had someone switch with him and went to pick up the kids. After they fell asleep he began to toss Maggie's things in the yard. The next morning she came home to find him sipping coffee on the front porch. 

"Don't bother coming in, I have had  the locks changed. I'm done with us you can take all your stuff and fucking leave the property." He said 

"What the hell is wrong?" She said 

"I want you gone Margaret, we are done cause I'm tired of this immature selfish attitude you have and the constant going out. You want nothing to do with us or the kids, so we are divorcing." He said 

Her mouth fell open, "you are bluffing." She said 

"Like hell I am, I already made myself an appointment this morning for this afternoon. So take your shit and leave." He said and went back inside and locked the door. 

Maggie picked up her stuff and left for her parents house in tears. But they weren't really taking up for her they were more on his side. 

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