(9) Keely Is Here

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Three months later,

Aubriana went into labor on December 20th, Jax left work to be by her side. 

"I'm here baby. I got Dylan to cover the rest of my shift. Do you need anything?" He said 

"No..just hold my hand." She said 

He pushed some of her blonde hair back, "Did you get a epidural?" He said 

"I asked for one, they said they would do it once the guy was free." She said 

Harold and Patricia came in, and shortly after that Jaclyn and Paxton Gregory came in. 

"You called your parents." She said 

"Of course I did." He said 

Twelve hours later on 130AM on December 21st, Aubri welcomed her daughter. 

"Ms Hopkins we need her name." The L&D nurse said 

"Keely Blake..H-" Aubri said but then was cut off. 

"Gregory her last name is Gregory." Jax said 

"Thank you." The nurse said and walked off. 

"Jax you didn't have to do that. But I love you for it." She said as tears welled. 

He kissed her, "I believe I fell in love with you all over again baby. And she may not have my blood but she is mine baby." He said 

"God I love you." She said as she kissed him again. 

The WidowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora