(3) Hookups&Breakups

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2 Years Later,

It' was Aubriana Hopkins first day of freshmen year at her highschool at the Wesley Adams Highschool. 

As she was walking the halls she passed a group of senior boys including Skeeter Duncan a bad boy motorcycle riding senior. 

"I'll be back boys." He said as he walked away. 

He walked up to Aubriana, "Well hello gorgeous doll you must be new." He said as he wrapped his arm  around her. 

"Hi.." she said 

"I'm Skeeter, what's your name?" He said 

"Aubri, and I'm a freshmen." She said 

"Let me show you around." He said as he took her schedule. 

After he walked her to her first class, they exchanged numbers and he kissed her. 

Meanwhile across town at Blackwell High, Bucky and Maggie was starting their junior year broken up but still sleeping together. 

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