"I'm not looking to jump any of you, you can relax."

I say, my tone somewhat serious as I slowly sit up on the bed, my legs crossing beneath me as I suddenly feel very thirsty. My eyes looking around for something to drink.

"What are you looking for sweetheart?"

I tense, my head turning back to face Jiraiya as my irises flash orange in warning.

"Sorry... Sorry!"

He raises his hands in a 'I surrender' way as Guy just points at me.

"Her eyes... How did you do that?"

I growl at him, smacking his hand down.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to point."

I see Kakashi disappear as the two men left just stare at me with curiosity and maybe a little concern.


I flinch, almost falling off the bed as Kakashi crouch's beside me now with a large glass of water. How the hell is he so stealthy? Like my senses are insanely sharp and yet I never hear him coming. Maybe I'm just still groggy? Let's go with that because the idea that he may be better than me is far more infuriating.

I let out a deep breath, my eyes studying his body language for a second, unsure whether it was some kind of trap or if he was actually being nice.

"I didn't do anything to it, I promise."

I look at Kit who was fast asleep as I take the glass, my fingers brushing his hand for a moment as I accept the beverage. My throat feeling crazy dry before I bring the glass to my lips and knock the whole thing back within a few seconds, my eyes closing in satisfaction as I let out a sigh.

"Thank you."

I smile at the masked ninja before I realize I was doing it and I stopped, turning away - my eyes moving to Jiraiya who was grinning at me brightly, his cheeks pink. His eyes all mushy.

"I'm warning you right now old man, stop looking at me like that. I will not hesitate in throwing you out that window."

Dear god, can the man seriously not think with his damn... you know, for a freaking minute? In what world does he think I'd be interested in him. Gross.

"So, Aimi. Tell us about yourself."

Kakashi asks as he moves to stand at the end of the bed, one hand on his hip and the other in his pant pocket.

"Did you also want to serve some tea while we converse? Like a group of old ladies?"

I ask, my tone sarcastic as I cross my arms over my chest. Kit stirring behind me as he stretches, letting a cute little squeak as he does.

"Oh my, what an adorable little baby..."

Guy's eyes go all watery as he looks at my fox, my lips smiling as Kakashi and Jiraiya immediately stare at him, their eyes widening as Kit dives onto Guy, his body slamming against the ground. Even in Kit's small state he is unbelievably strong. I mean I could've warned him about it but what fun is that? How will they learn?


Kakashi's tone is sharper this time and I sigh, moving to stand up, my bare feet cold on the tiles as I walk over to Guy who was trying not to move as Kit growls and barks at him. My body dropping into a crouch as I wrap my arms around the fox and pick him up.

"Yeah I know buddy, these men are stupid. Don't listen to them. You're tough."

I rub the back of his ears as he continues to growl at Guy on the floor, my body straightening as I step away, moving back toward the bed before I feel my knee buckling.

"Easy now."

Kakashi's hands immediately reach out to me, one hand on my elbow while the other grabs my waist, steadying me. I kinda, I dunno, tensed up at his touch. It didn't hurt me or anything but it's just a little bit new to me. I'm used to paws, not people hands.

"Thanks..." I whisper and he smiles down to me, or I think he did beneath the mask anyway. I let Kit jump on the bed as my eyes drift up to meet Kakashi's, my cheeks suddenly feeling warm before I move away. Sitting on the edge of the bed as I look toward the ground. Remaining quiet. The three men looking at me cautiously as Guy stays on the floor. Kit sniffing at my hand.


I hear a small boys voice and I lift my gaze to see him rush toward us, Kakashi grabbing the back of his shirt to prevent him from leaping onto me.

"Naruto, she's still healing. Be careful."

The kid laughs, rubbing the back of his neck before he comes over and sits beside me. Kit tilting his head to him before he walks across me to lay in the boys lap.

"Oh... Uh..."

I let out a laugh. The three Jonin very tense.

"Kit won't hurt Naruto, chill out."

"I think now is a good time to ask. Can we talk about how you knew Naruto has the Nine Tailed Fox in him?"

I gaze at Jiraiya, a sigh escaping me as I put my face in my hands. My leg bouncing nervously. I shouldn't be worried right? They seem to accept Naruto and the fox spirit inside of him is a bloody psychopath. At least mine has a minor attitude problem but generally has compassion for people and living things.

"What are you so worried about?"

Naruto asks quietly, his hand stroking Kit behind the ears as I look at him. Images of the occasions in the past coming to the forefront of my mind, my eyes tearing up as I bow my head again.

"Can everyone give us a minute?"

I hear Kakashi say with a little more authority in his voice, the two other Jonin walking out the room while Naruto moans, picking up Kit and walks out with the others.

"What are you so afraid of Aimi?"

His tone remains calm as the masked ninja crouches in front of me so he can look at my face, my expression mixed with sadness and fear.

"Being treated like I'm a monster..."

I whisper, his head tilting in confusion as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"What if I promise not to?"

I scoff, lifting my head to look at him. My hand wiping away a falling tear as his expression softens a little.

"I've heard that before. I... I just hope that you're all different. You treat Naruto like a person instead of a bomb without a fuse."

"What does Naruto have to do with what you're worried about?"

I could sense his tone change, still calm but etched in suspicion.

"Because I'm like him... Kit and I..."

I let out a shaky breath before standing, my hands clawing at the back of my neck as I pace at the bottom of the bed. Kakashi's gaze following me closely.

"I don't understand."

"You wouldn't..."

I mutter as I turn to pace again, feeling a hand on my wrist to stop me as he looks down at me.

"What is it? Tell me."

My irises switch from their natural blue to the vibrant glowing orange, my heart racing as I look at the masked ninja. My lip quivering slightly. God I hope I can trust these people. I can't keep running. I'm so tired of it. I just want a home...


"I'm a... Kit and I, he is an elemental Fox spirit who is bound to me but it's different to the kid, we're bound by choice and...."

Kakashi's fingers release my arm, his feet moving a few steps away. His expression changing to one that I'm all too familiar with. My eyes still tearful as I watch him start to internally panic.


Tails of the Kitsune.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora