Return to the Balmera

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After a not so long journey and dealing with Rolo and his team to get the Blue Lion and Lance back, the Alteans and the Paladins have arrived at the Balmera to save Shay and the Balmerans, as the Castle of Lions approach to the living planet, and the team stands in the Main Bridge.

"We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon. Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy." Said Allura as they approach the Balmera.

"So, what's the plan to free the Balmera, for all I know we can't go in Gun blazing." Said Lana looking at Allura.

"What, we go in there and just. . . Pow, pow, pow!" Said Keith imitating laser fire and Lana look at him with a quirked eyebrow,

"What was that noise supposed to be?" Asked Lana in confusion.

"Uh. . . Laser guns, it was the best I could do." Said Keith blushing in embarrassment. 'Oh great, why did I have to do that, and in front of her?'

"Not bad, but they're more like. . . Pew, Pew, Pew!" Said Lana imitating laser fire.

"No, Lana, I think you mean. . ." Said Hunk imitating a huge laser cannon. "Pow!"

"That sounds like fireworks, Honey-Bee." Said Lance looking at Hunk.

"Technically, they're more like. . . Ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" Said Pidge imitating firing a small laser gun.

"Okay, enough with the bad sound effects. . . Besides, it's more like— blam, blam, blam!" Said Shiro dramatically imitates firing a laser gun.

"What?" Asked Keith in shock.

"You're crazy." Said Pidge disagreeing with Shiro.

"No way." Said Lana disagreeing Shiro's fire laser imitation.

"Wrong." Said Hunk frowning at Shiro.

"Paladins, focus." Said Allura in a serious tone.

'Okay, I'm not sure which one of them have the laser guns sound affect right.' Said Blue looking confused.

'Yeah, I don't understand why they need to make sound affects.' Said Red looking confused.

'But you have to admit, Shiro's laser gun affects are kinda funny.' Said Yellow chuckling.

'Yeah, and the way he did those poses.' Said Green chuckling as well.

'Okay, yeah it is pretty funny.' Said Black smiling at the lions.

"Besides, we can't just shoot at the Galra. This Balmera, it's, like, alive. And from what we've seen, it doesn't look very good." Said Hunk as the image of the Balmera's lifespan is showing.

"Yes, it's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to this grand beast. Stealing its Crystals, its very life force, without ever performing the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it." Said Coran showing the image of the Balmera's life source.

"Wow, I never knew the Balmera is actually a living being, it look like a normal planet to me." Said Lana looking at the Balmera in the castle's holoscreen.

"While it may look like a planet, the Balmera are gigantic living beings, literally planets in their composition." Said Coran explaining to Lance. "They naturally produce crystals that the Alteans used to power their ships and the like, but in order to remove the crystals, a member of Altean high society had to perform a ritual in order to atone for the cost for the Balmera. In such a way, balance was preserved."

"Woah, I bet it must've been a beautiful sight to see the crystals." Said Lana looking at the image of the Balmera.

"Yes it is, but since the Galra do not perform the ritual, the Balmera is severely injured every time a crystal was removed." Said Coran looking saddened.

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